[R] Help with PCA data file prep and R code

Sarah Stinson sastinson at ucdavis.edu
Wed Sep 21 17:25:02 CEST 2016

Hello DRUGs,
I'm new to R and would appreciate some expert advice on prepping files for,
and running, PCA...

My data set consists of aquatic invertebrate and zooplankton count data and
physicochemical measurements from an ecotoxicology study. Four chemical
treatments were applied to mesocosm tanks, 4 replicates per treatment (16
tanks total), then data were collected weekly over a 3 month period.

I cleaned the data in excel by removing columns with all zero values, and
all rows with NA values.
All zooplankton values were volume normalized, then log normalized. All
other data was log normalized in excel prior to analysis in R. All vectorss
are numeric. I've attached the .txt file to this email rather that using

My questions are:

1. Did I do the cleaning step appropriately? I know that there are ways to
run PCA's using data that contain NA values (pcaMethods), but wasn't able
to get the code to work...
(I understand that this isn't strictly an R question, but any help would be
2. Does my code look correct for the PCA and visualization (see below)?

Thanks in advance,

#read data
mesocleaned <- read.csv("MesoCleanedforPCA.9.16.16.csv")

#run PCA
meso.pca <- prcomp(mesocleaned,
                   center = TRUE,
                   scale. = TRUE)

# print method

#compute standard deviation of each principal component
std_dev <- meso.pca$sdev

#compute variance
pr_var <- std_dev^2

#check variance of first 10 components

#proportion of variance explained
prop_varex <- pr_var/sum(pr_var)

#The first principal component explains 12.7% of the variance
#The second explains 8.1%


#for visualization, make Treatment vector a factor instead of numeric
meso.treatment <- as.factor(mesocleaned[, 3])

#ggbiplot to visualize by Treatment group
#reference: https://www.r-bloggers.com/computing-and-visualizing-pca-in-r/

install_github("ggbiplot", "vqv")

print(ggbiplot(meso.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1, groups =
meso.treatment, ellipse = TRUE, circle = TRUE))
g <- ggbiplot(meso.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1,
              groups = meso.treatment, ellipse = TRUE,
              circle = TRUE)
g <- g + scale_color_brewer(name = deparse(substitute(Treatments)), palette
= 'Dark2') #must change meso.treatment to a factor for this to work
g <- g + theme(legend.direction = 'horizontal',
               legend.position = 'top')

#Circle plot
#plot each variables coefficients inside a unit circle to get insight on a
possible interpretation for PCs.
#reference: https://www.r-bloggers.com/computing-and-visualizing-pca-in-r/

theta <- seq(0,2*pi,length.out = 100)
circle <- data.frame(x = cos(theta), y = sin(theta))
p <- ggplot(circle,aes(x,y)) + geom_path()

loadings <- data.frame(meso.pca$rotation,
                       .names = row.names(meso.pca$rotation))
p + geom_text(data=loadings,
              mapping=aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, label = .names, colour =
.names)) +
  coord_fixed(ratio=1) +
  labs(x = "PC1", y = "PC2")

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:28 PM, Sarah Stinson <sastinson at ucdavis.edu>

> Hello DRUGs,
> I'm new to R and would appreciate some expert advice on prepping files
> for, and running, PCA...
> My data set consists of aquatic invertebrate and zooplankton count data
> and physicochemical measurements from an ecotoxicology study. Four chemical
> treatments were applied to mesocosm tanks, 4 replicates per treatment (16
> tanks total), then data were collected weekly over a 3 month period.
> I cleaned the data in excel by removing columns with all zero values, and
> all rows with NA values.
> All zooplankton values were volume normalized, then log normalized. All
> other data was log normalized in excel prior to analysis in R. All vectorss
> are numeric. I've attached the .csv file to this email rather that using
> dput(dataframe). I hope that's acceptable.
> My questions are:
> 1. Did I do the cleaning step appropriately? I know that there are ways to
> run PCA's using data that contain NA values (pcaMethods), but wasn't able
> to get the code to work...
> (I understand that this isn't strictly an R question, but any help would
> be appreciated.)
> 2. Does my code look correct for the PCA and visualization (see below)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sarah
> #read data
> mesocleaned <- read.csv("MesoCleanedforPCA.9.16.16.csv")
> #run PCA
> meso.pca <- prcomp(mesocleaned,
>                    center = TRUE,
>                    scale. = TRUE)
> # print method
> print(meso.pca)
> #compute standard deviation of each principal component
> std_dev <- meso.pca$sdev
> #compute variance
> pr_var <- std_dev^2
> #check variance of first 10 components
> pr_var[1:10]
> #proportion of variance explained
> prop_varex <- pr_var/sum(pr_var)
> prop_varex[1:20]
> #The first principal component explains 12.7% of the variance
> #The second explains 8.1%
> #visualize
> biplot(meso.pca)
> #for visualization, make Treatment vector a factor instead of numeric
> meso.treatment <- as.factor(mesocleaned[, 3])
> #ggbiplot to visualize by Treatment group
> #reference: https://www.r-bloggers.com/computing-and-visualizing-pca-in-r/
> library(devtools)
> install_github("ggbiplot", "vqv")
> library(ggbiplot)
> print(ggbiplot(meso.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1, groups =
> meso.treatment, ellipse = TRUE, circle = TRUE))
> g <- ggbiplot(meso.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1,
>               groups = meso.treatment, ellipse = TRUE,
>               circle = TRUE)
> g <- g + scale_color_brewer(name = deparse(substitute(Treatments)),
> palette = 'Dark2') #must change meso.treatment to a factor for this to work
> g <- g + theme(legend.direction = 'horizontal',
>                legend.position = 'top')
> print(g)
> #Circle plot
> #plot each variables coefficients inside a unit circle to get insight on a
> possible interpretation for PCs.
> #reference: https://www.r-bloggers.com/computing-and-visualizing-pca-in-r/
> theta <- seq(0,2*pi,length.out = 100)
> circle <- data.frame(x = cos(theta), y = sin(theta))
> p <- ggplot(circle,aes(x,y)) + geom_path()
> loadings <- data.frame(meso.pca$rotation,
>                        .names = row.names(meso.pca$rotation))
> p + geom_text(data=loadings,
>               mapping=aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, label = .names, colour =
> .names)) +
>   coord_fixed(ratio=1) +
>   labs(x = "PC1", y = "PC2")
-------------- next part --------------
Tank #	Date	Treatment	Temperature meter (C )	pH	DO mg	DO percent	EC	SC	Ephemeroptera	Dysticidae	Tipulidae	Chironomidae	Chaoboridae	Anopholes	Culex	Diptera	Zygoptera	Anisoptera	Odonata	Gastropoda	Corixidae	Hyalella	Nematoda	Hydrachnidae	Cyclopoida	Calanoida	Nauplia	Bosminidae	Chydoridae	Ceriodaphnia	Ostracoda	Keratellahiemalis	Keratellacochlearis	Anuraeopsisspec.	Notholcaspec.	Brachionusangularis	Brachionusquadridentatus	Mytilinaventralis	Platyiaspatulus	Trichocercassp.	Polyarthrasp.	Rotifera
1	08.26.15	control	19.4	8.72	8.15	85.9	719	799	0	0	0	1.361727836	1.230448921	0.698970004	1.968482949	2.155336037	0	0.954242509	0.954242509	0.954242509	0	0	0	0.477121255	2.653490783	0	2.178294218	2.874953569	2.778188332	2.778188332	3.719554865	0	0	0	0	0	3.254826811	0	0	0	0	3.254826811
2	08.26.15	control	18.9	9.3	9.23	96.9	634	718	1.462397998	0	0	1.113943352	0.84509804	0	0	1.278753601	0.698970004	1.397940009	1.462397998	0	0	0.954242509	0.698970004	0.477121255	3.254826811	0	2.178294218	0	3.537257874	3.430837555	3.874431973	0	0	0	0	0	3.988361943	2.178294218	0	0	0	6.166656161
3	08.26.15	control	18.7	9.23	8.05	84.7	642	731	2.012837225	0	0	1.491361694	0.954242509	0.698970004	2.103803721	2.23299611	0	1.278753601	1.278753601	0.477121255	0	0.954242509	0	0.698970004	0	0	2.134399087	0	3.034691437	2.976756765	3.034691437	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
4	08.26.15	control	18.5	9.46	9.07	95.7	633	724	2.021189299	0	0	1.176091259	0.84509804	0.477121255	0	1.431363764	0.698970004	1.230448921	1.322219295	0.698970004	0	0	0.698970004	0.477121255	0	0	2.148536707	0	2.623596445	4.245835955	2.448021484	2.148536707	0	0	0	0	2.148536707	2.148536707	0	0	0	6.445610121
5	08.26.15	high diuron	18.4	9.34	8.56	90.4	622	711	1.875061263	0	0	1.544068044	1.875061263	0	1.230448921	2.11058971	1.431363764	0.954242509	1.544068044	1.72427587	0	1.653212514	0	0.954242509	2.734062209	0	2.134399087	0	0	4.188133326	3.245390563	0	0	0	0	0	2.134399087	0	0	2.134399087	0	4.268798174
6	08.26.15	high diuron	18.7	9.27	8.47	89.69	614	699	1.959041392	0	0	1.431363764	1.113943352	0	1.113943352	1.770852012	0	1.176091259	1.176091259	0.698970004	0	0.698970004	0.84509804	0.84509804	2.734062209	0	0	3.131521252	2.609390445	3.307505558	3.511545308	0	0	0	0	0	3.687591987	0	0	0	0	3.687591987
7	08.26.15	high diuron	18.6	9.17	8.26	87.3	680	773	1.591064607	0	0	1.113943352	1.113943352	0	0.698970004	1.462397998	0	1.176091259	1.176091259	0	0	0.477121255	0.698970004	0.698970004	2.107452407	0	0	0	0	3.672342151	2.406783568	0	0	0	0	0	4.450416436	0	0	2.582307069	0	7.032723505
8	08.26.15	high diuron	18.4	9.26	8.86	93.6	640	732	2.012837225	0	0	1.113943352	1.230448921	0.698970004	1.230448921	1.69019608	0.477121255	1.230448921	1.278753601	0	0	0	0	0.84509804	0	0	2.43383264	0	3.210649025	3.493067717	2.909886331	0	0	0	0	0	3.963756437	2.134399087	0	0	0	6.098155524
9	08.26.15	low diuron bifenthrin	18.1	9.16	7.84	82.7	695	800	1.230448921	0	0	1.397940009	1.770852012	0	1.851258349	2.184691431	0	0.954242509	0.954242509	0.698970004	0	0.698970004	0	0	2.859734288	0	2.462693138	0	2.638285261	3.201829649	3.063629264	0	0	0	2.16315712	0	2.16315712	0	0	2.16315712	0	6.48947136
10	08.26.15	low diuron bifenthrin	18.2	9.11	6.81	72.5	653	751	1.886490725	0	0	1.959041392	0.84509804	0	1.462397998	2.096910013	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0.477121255	0	0	0.84509804	0	2.148536707	0	2.623596445	2.148536707	3.187115801	3.29179066	2.845031715	0	0	0	0	0	4.467674841	0	0	0	0	4.467674841
11	08.26.15	low diuron bifenthrin	18.2	9.26	8.52	91	609	700	1.740362689	0	0.698970004	1.568201724	1.278753601	0.698970004	1.113943352	1.875061263	0.477121255	1.230448921	1.278753601	0.954242509	0	0	0.477121255	0.477121255	3.020916086	0	2.778188332	0	3.537257874	4.321552724	3.883031008	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	0	2.178294218
12	08.26.15	low diuron bifenthrin	18.2	9.38	7.71	82.6	629	725	1.633468456	0	0	1.230448921	0.698970004	0.477121255	2.247973266	2.298853076	0	1.176091259	1.176091259	0.698970004	0	0	0.698970004	1.113943352	0	0	0	0	0	2.685606569	2.986188468	0	0	0	0	0	3.438195948	0	0	0	0	3.438195948
13	08.26.15	high diuron bifenthrin	17.5	9.37	9.29	98.2	609	710	1.51851394	0	0	1.612783857	1.591064607	0	1.041392685	1.949390007	0	0.954242509	0.954242509	0	0	0.477121255	1.113943352	0	2.193985593	0	2.193985593	0	2.493624149	3.653692654	2.89072715	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	08.26.15	high diuron bifenthrin	18	9.35	9.01	97.2	618	714	0.954242509	0	0	1.397940009	1.176091259	0	2.117271296	2.227886705	1.176091259	1.041392685	1.397940009	0.477121255	0	1.491361694	0	0	3.036695572	0	3.036695572	0	3.63845613	4.55669828	4.010784544	0	0	0	0	0	2.193985593	0	2.193985593	0	0	4.387971186
15	08.26.15	high diuron bifenthrin	18.3	9.38	8.66	94.5	657	753	1.949390007	0	0	1.431363764	0	0	0	1.431363764	0.477121255	1.230448921	1.278753601	0.698970004	0	0	0	0.698970004	2.448021484	0	0	0	0	2.845031715	2.623596445	0	0	0	0	0	3.400885834	0	0	0	0	3.400885834
16	08.26.15	high diuron bifenthrin	17.9	9.29	8.95	95.2	693	801	1.653212514	0	0	1.838849091	1.113943352	0	0.698970004	1.929418926	0.698970004	1.230448921	1.322219295	0.954242509	0	0	0	0.477121255	3.020916086	0	2.95403827	0	0	3.891463082	3.755263878	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	0	2.178294218
1	09.02.15	control	20	9.05	9.92	108.9	700	773	1.041392685	0	0	1.397940009	1.322219295	1.361727836	2.495544338	2.57863921	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0	0	0	0	0.477121255	3.479283934	0	3.980780285	0	3.07202262	3.4186077	3.807675738	0	0	0	0	0	2.817044357	2.120713597	0	0	2.120713597	7.058471551
2	09.02.15	control	19.6	9.3	10.1	109.8	635	708	1.812913357	0	0	1.361727836	0.477121255	0	0.84509804	1.491361694	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0.84509804	0	1.113943352	0	0	3.07202262	0	2.120713597	0	3.020916086	3.348055856	3.81644831	0	0	0	0	0	4.482914298	2.420095946	0	0	2.720299768	9.623310012
3	09.02.15	control	19.3	9.2	9.01	97.5	656	737	1.672097858	0	0	1.919078092	1.770852012	1.230448921	1.838849091	2.352182518	0.477121255	1.568201724	1.591064607	0.698970004	0	0.698970004	0.954242509	0.954242509	2.120713597	0	2.817044357	0	2.420095946	3.685703314	3.196869365	0	0	0	0	0	4.844145455	2.120713597	0	0	3.117743317	10.08260237
4	09.02.15	control	19.1	9.44	9.78	105.3	645	727	1.72427587	0	0	1.230448921	1.041392685	0	1.591064607	1.826074803	1.176091259	1.278753601	1.51851394	0.84509804	0	0	1.113943352	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	2.734062209	4.479519572	3.493067717	0	0	0	0	0	3.649811532	2.609390445	0	0	0	6.259201977
5	09.02.15	high diuron	19.1	9.26	9.17	98.4	625	704	1.826074803	0.477121255	0	0	0	0	2.828015064	2.828015064	1.176091259	1.113943352	1.431363764	1.491361694	0	1.462397998	0	1.041392685	3.020916086	0	2.120713597	2.595636597	2.420095946	4.056969373	2.720299768	0	0	0	0	0	2.120713597	0	0	0	0	2.120713597
6	09.02.15	high diuron	19.2	9.3	9.97	107.8	624	701	1.875061263	0	0.698970004	2.029383778	1.812913357	0.477121255	1.612783857	2.348304863	1.113943352	0.698970004	1.230448921	0.84509804	0	0	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.307505558	2.43383264	0	0	0	0	0	2.976756765	0	0	0	0	2.976756765
7	09.02.15	high diuron	19.3	9.19	8.89	96	703	787	1.176091259	0	0	1.653212514	1.875061263	0.698970004	1.113943352	2.130333768	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0	0	0.84509804	0	0	2.706961648	0	2.582307069	0	2.107452407	4.548105156	4.116918472	0	0	0	0	0	4.669905172	2.803701077	0	2.107452407	2.882768563	12.46382722
8	09.02.15	high diuron	19	9.33	10.19	109.9	643	726	1.908485019	0	0	1.041392685	1.397940009	0	1.462397998	1.799340549	0.84509804	1.361727836	1.462397998	0	0	0	0	1.041392685	0	0	0	0	0	3.263776724	2.96298326	0	0	0	0	0	3.159105895	0	0	0	0	3.159105895
9	09.02.15	low diuron bifenthrin	19	9.13	9.52	102.2	714	805	1.707570176	0.698970004	0	1.176091259	0	0.698970004	2.392696953	2.423245874	0	1.230448921	1.230448921	0	0	0	0.698970004	0.477121255	2.830811959	0	2.43383264	0	3.034691437	4.396035584	3.277557615	0	0	0	0	0	3.131521252	0	0	0	2.134399087	5.265920339
10	09.02.15	low diuron bifenthrin	19	9.04	8.42	90.5	672	759	1.707570176	0	0	1.908485019	1.755874856	0	1.361727836	2.201397124	0.477121255	0	0.477121255	0	0	0	0.698970004	0.84509804	2.120713597	0	2.120713597	0	3.479283934	3.760940019	3.020916086	0	0	0	0	0	4.532398122	2.120713597	0	2.420095946	0	9.073207665
11	09.02.15	low diuron bifenthrin	19.1	9.22	9.95	102.5	616	694	1.113943352	0	0	1.544068044	0.954242509	0.698970004	1.462397998	1.875061263	0.84509804	0.954242509	1.176091259	0	0	1.113943352	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.477881497	4.038766558	3.217060206	0	0	0	0	0	2.477881497	0	0	0	0	2.477881497
12	09.02.15	low diuron bifenthrin	19.2	9.3	9.69	104.4	656	738	1.51851394	0	0	1.491361694	0.84509804	0.477121255	1.612783857	1.908485019	0	1.113943352	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	0	0	0.477121255	3.963756437	0	3.63645061	0	3.493067717	3.172884771	3.172884771	0	0	0	0	0	3.930591821	2.134399087	0	2.734062209	0	8.799053117
13	09.02.15	high diuron bifenthrin	19.2	9.25	9.86	106.9	627	705	1.51851394	0	0	1.397940009	1.322219295	0.698970004	1.785329835	2.045322979	0.477121255	0.698970004	0.84509804	0	0	1.113943352	1.041392685	0	2.448021484	0	0	0	3.29179066	3.808266122	2.448021484	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.92410953	2.92410953
14	09.02.15	high diuron bifenthrin	19.5	9.33	10.39	112.6	622	696	0.698970004	0	0	1.633468456	0.698970004	0.84509804	2.527629901	2.589949601	1.278753601	1.041392685	1.462397998	0.698970004	0	1.69019608	0	0	2.720299768	0	0	0	3.159105895	3.91680518	3.321739096	0	0	0	0	0	3.321739096	0	0	0	0	3.321739096
15	09.02.15	high diuron bifenthrin	19.6	9.32	9.7	105.4	682	760	1.875061263	0	0	1.491361694	0.954242509	0	1.462397998	1.826074803	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.176091259	0	0	0	0	1.041392685	2.734062209	0	0	0	0	2.830811959	3.034691437	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
16	09.02.15	high diuron bifenthrin	19	9.28	10.26	110	703	795	1.653212514	0	0	1.86332286	1.544068044	0	1.176091259	2.08278537	0.477121255	1.041392685	1.113943352	1.041392685	0	0	0.477121255	1.113943352	3.277557615	0	2.134399087	0	2.609390445	4.065736094	4.184307167	0	0	0	0	0	2.134399087	2.134399087	0	0	0	4.268798174
1	09.09.15	control	18.2	9.19	9.94	105.9	759	871	1.462397998	0	0	1.397940009	1.113943352	0	1.672097858	1.939519253	0	0	0	0.698970004	0	0	0.698970004	0.84509804	3.755263878	0	4.425840268	0	2.178294218	4.324643654	3.590488842	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.175693866	0	2.778188332	2.178294218	8.132176416
2	09.09.15	control	17	9.42	10.93	113.6	643	759	1.176091259	0	0	1.230448921	1.113943352	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.707570176	0.84509804	1.041392685	1.230448921	0.698970004	0	0.954242509	0.698970004	0.84509804	2.653490783	0	0	0	3.217060206	3.652621882	4.104857016	0	0	0	0	0	3.321739096	2.178294218	0	2.477881497	0	7.977914811
3	09.09.15	control	16.6	9.18	9.47	97	662	789	1.397940009	0	0	0.477121255	0.698970004	0.84509804	2.484299839	2.501059262	0.698970004	0.84509804	1.041392685	0	0	0.954242509	0	0.954242509	3.048918942	0	2.148536707	0	2.748276803	4.285342352	3.607945875	0	0	0	0	0	5.053929606	0	0	0	0	5.053929606
4	09.09.15	control	16.3	9.38	9.92	101.2	658	789	1.041392685	0.477121255	0	1.361727836	0.954242509	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.653212514	1.278753601	0.84509804	1.397940009	0.698970004	0	0	0.84509804	0.477121255	0	0	0	0	2.638285261	4.490591816	3.41560334	0	0	2.16315712	0	0	4.490591816	2.16315712	0	0	0	8.816906056
5	09.09.15	high diuron	16.4	9.28	8.77	89.9	647	772	1.612783857	0	0	1.041392685	0.698970004	0	2.037426498	2.089905111	1.799340549	1.176091259	1.886490725	1.672097858	0	2.257678575	0	0	4.050503902	0	3.891463082	0	2.178294218	3.573459963	3.078856296	0	0	0	0	0	2.95403827	2.178294218	0	2.477881497	3.454310174	11.06452416
6	09.09.15	high diuron	16.7	9.28	8.86	91.1	645	768	1.462397998	0	0	1.230448921	0.84509804	0.84509804	2.1430148	2.227886705	1.322219295	0.954242509	1.462397998	0.477121255	0	0	0	1.041392685	2.178294218	0	0	0	2.477881497	3.755263878	3.931329703	0	0	0	0	0	3.254826811	0	0	2.178294218	2.178294218	7.611415247
7	09.09.15	high diuron	16.7	9.17	8.46	87.1	708	841	1.591064607	0.477121255	0	1.653212514	0	0.477121255	1.908485019	2.103803721	0.698970004	0.954242509	1.113943352	0.698970004	0	0.477121255	0	0.698970004	2.95403827	0	3.020916086	0	2.477881497	4.392905494	3.694005781	0	0	0	0	0	4.491388329	2.477881497	0	2.178294218	3.020916086	12.16848013
8	09.09.15	high diuron	16.1	9.3	9.23	93.9	661	796	1.568201724	0.477121255	0	1.176091259	0.477121255	0.84509804	1.838849091	1.968482949	1.51851394	1.041392685	1.633468456	0	0	0	0.698970004	0.84509804	3.020916086	0	3.078856296	0	0	4.463220652	2.178294218	0	0	0	0	0	4.073067772	0	0	0	0	4.073067772
9	09.09.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.3	9.25	9.22	94.1	713	852	1.568201724	0	0	1.230448921	1.113943352	0.954242509	2.423245874	2.478566496	0	0.954242509	0.954242509	0.477121255	0	0	0.477121255	1.113943352	2.778188332	0	2.778188332	0	3.217060206	4.460976309	3.175693866	0	0	0	0	0	2.653490783	0	0	0	2.178294218	4.831785001
10	09.09.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.1	9.18	9.14	93.2	675	813	1.361727836	0	0	0.84509804	1.041392685	0.84509804	1.653212514	1.826074803	1.431363764	1.278753601	1.653212514	0.954242509	0	0	0	1.041392685	0	0	0	0	3.41560334	4.164515118	2.938815545	0	0	0	0	0	4.417859177	0	0	2.16315712	0	6.581016297
11	09.09.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16	9.36	9.92	100.8	620	748	1.322219295	0	0	1.041392685	1.113943352	0.84509804	2.068185862	2.161368002	1.322219295	0.954242509	1.462397998	0	0	0.84509804	0	0.954242509	3.321739096	0	3.111015108	0	3.463010735	4.110712303	3.684799662	0	0	0	0	0	2.210273092	2.210273092	0	2.810321315	4.000023777	11.23089128
12	09.09.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.2	9.46	10.83	110.1	642	771	1.322219295	0	0	1.113943352	0.698970004	0	1.672097858	1.799340549	1.322219295	1.113943352	1.51851394	0	0.477121255	0	0.477121255	0.698970004	2.653490783	0	0	0	2.874953569	2.477881497	3.217060206	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	2.178294218	0	4.356588436
13	09.09.15	high diuron bifenthrin	15.3	9.35	10.1	100.6	618	758	1.322219295	0	0	0.698970004	0.84509804	1.230448921	2.206825876	2.271841607	0.954242509	0.477121255	1.041392685	0.477121255	0	1.322219295	0.698970004	1.113943352	3.145751342	0	3.094637628	0	2.79395675	3.863355592	3.622665561	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.89072715	0	2.193985593	3.606279127	8.69099187
14	09.09.15	high diuron bifenthrin	15.9	9.46	10.58	106.9	616	747	1.230448921	0	0	1.812913357	1.041392685	0.698970004	2.053078443	2.281033367	1.491361694	1.113943352	1.633468456	0.698970004	0	1.431363764	1.041392685	0.477121255	3.020916086	2.178294218	2.874953569	0	3.497761337	4.418458594	3.497761337	0	0	0	0	0	3.666859203	0	0	2.477881497	0	6.1447407
15	09.09.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16.2	9.36	8.67	88.3	695	834	1.397940009	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	0.84509804	0	1.431363764	1.633468456	0.954242509	0.954242509	1.230448921	0	0	0	0	1.176091259	3.694005781	0	2.178294218	0	2.653490783	3.590488842	3.430837555	2.477881497	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	0	0	4.656175715
16	09.09.15	high diuron bifenthrin	15.6	9.34	9.32	93.5	707	862	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	0.477121255	1.278753601	0.698970004	1.633468456	1.826074803	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0	0	0	0	1.230448921	0	0	0	0	2.778188332	0	3.175693866	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	0	0	2.178294218
1	09.16.15	control	17.1	9.28	10.76	109.8	746	880	0	0.698970004	0	2.029383778	0.84509804	0	1.544068044	2.167317335	0.477121255	1.176091259	1.230448921	0	0	0	0	0.954242509	3.517958449	0	3.321739096	0	2.477881497	4.032776746	2.95403827	0	0	0	0	0	2.477881497	0	0	2.178294218	2.178294218	6.834469933
2	09.16.15	control	17.4	9.43	11.47	119	638	749	1.322219295	0	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.361727836	0	0.84509804	1.653212514	0.477121255	1.041392685	1.113943352	0.84509804	0	0.954242509	0	0.477121255	0	0	2.178294218	0	2.778188332	4.109936144	3.47657894	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	0	2.95403827	5.132332488
3	09.16.15	control	17.1	9.3	10.85	112.6	656	771	1.544068044	0.477121255	0	1.278753601	1.361727836	0.698970004	1.568201724	1.919078092	0.698970004	0.954242509	1.113943352	0.84509804	0	1.397940009	1.041392685	0.698970004	2.43383264	0	2.134399087	0	2.734062209	4.070756467	3.453572465	0	0	0	0	0	4.430069522	2.134399087	0	0	2.609390445	9.173859054
4	09.16.15	control	16.8	9.47	11.33	116.5	652	773	1.612783857	0	0	1.113943352	0.698970004	1.176091259	1.230448921	1.672097858	1.041392685	0.698970004	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	0	0.698970004	0	2.595636597	0	0	0	2.420095946	4.701751883	3.923643782	0	0	0	0	0	5.023212025	0	0	0	0	5.023212025
5	09.16.15	high diuron	16.9	9.26	9.72	100.6	632	747	1.431363764	0	0	1.672097858	0.698970004	0	1.113943352	1.799340549	1.826074803	0.954242509	1.875061263	1.612783857	0	2.285557309	0	0	3.522022409	0	2.762974214	0	2.16315712	2.462693138	2.859734288	0	0	0	0	0	2.462693138	2.16315712	0	2.16315712	3.274338334	10.06334571
6	09.16.15	high diuron	16.5	9.14	9.82	100.3	658	786	1.785329835	0.477121255	0	1.113943352	0.954242509	0.477121255	1.322219295	1.653212514	0.954242509	1.041392685	1.278753601	0	0	0	0.477121255	1.176091259	2.845031715	0	3.100028348	0	2.448021484	4.252674994	3.321739096	0	0	0	0	0	4.186861681	0	0	0	0	4.186861681
7	09.16.15	high diuron	16.5	9.1	8.84	90.3	739	881	1.278753601	0.477121255	0	1.51851394	0.84509804	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.72427587	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0	0	0.954242509	0.477121255	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	0	4.562093163	0	0	0	0	0	0	4.455086149	0	0	0	2.623596445	7.078682594
8	09.16.15	high diuron	16.4	9.23	10.47	106.6	803	671	1.672097858	0	0	1.361727836	1.041392685	0.698970004	0.954242509	1.653212514	1.041392685	1.041392685	1.322219295	0	0	0	0.477121255	0.954242509	3.100028348	0	3.349754879	0	2.448021484	4.294681899	2.748276803	0	0	0	0	0	3.224880838	0	0	0	0	3.224880838
9	09.16.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.6	9.18	9.59	99.9	710	844	1.361727836	0	0	1.919078092	1.113943352	0	1.431363764	2.08278537	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0	0	0	0	0.84509804	2.909886331	0	2.609390445	0	2.734062209	4.467674841	3.33552091	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.830811959	2.830811959
10	09.16.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.6	9.21	10.35	106.4	689	821	1.462397998	0	0	1.770852012	1.041392685	0.477121255	2.1430148	2.324282455	0.954242509	0.698970004	1.113943352	0.698970004	0	0	0	1.230448921	0	0	2.623596445	0	2.845031715	4.089958729	0	0	0	0	0	0	4.609344417	0	0	0	0	4.609344417
11	09.16.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.5	9.41	11.42	116.7	625	746	1.322219295	0	0	1.278753601	0.477121255	0	0.954242509	1.491361694	1.041392685	1.041392685	1.322219295	0	0	0.954242509	0	0.84509804	2.193985593	0	2.193985593	0	0	4.023748275	3.094637628	0	0	0	0	0	2.669250603	0	0	0	2.79395675	5.463207353
12	09.16.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.4	9.83	13.4	132.8	662	793	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	1.361727836	0.698970004	0.477121255	1.397940009	1.72427587	0.84509804	1.113943352	1.278753601	0	0	0	0	0.84509804	3.931329703	0	4.239886962	0	3.351688516	3.652621882	3.217060206	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	3.020916086	0	5.199210304
13	09.16.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16.8	9.2	10.82	111	625	740	1.633468456	0	0	0.698970004	1.397940009	0.477121255	1.397940009	1.740362689	0.84509804	1.113943352	1.278753601	0	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0.954242509	0	0	3.379705162	0	0	3.946305134	2.778188332	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	09.16.15	high diuron bifenthrin	17	9.45	12.32	127.1	645	762	0	0	0	1.176091259	0.698970004	0	1.278753601	1.568201724	0.954242509	0.954242509	1.230448921	0.698970004	0	1.431363764	0.477121255	0.84509804	2.859734288	0	3.005690901	0	3.986283636	4.568415706	0	3.005690901	0	0	0	0	3.522022409	0	0	2.16315712	0	8.69087043
15	09.16.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16.9	9.35	10.66	109.9	715	844	1.361727836	0	0	1.51851394	0.698970004	0	0.477121255	1.591064607	0.84509804	1.278753601	1.397940009	0	0	0	0	0.698970004	3.306506523	0	2.16315712	0	2.16315712	3.461344151	3.522022409	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
16	09.16.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16.5	9.3	9.92	101.5	744	888	1.322219295	0	0	1.113943352	1.230448921	0.698970004	1.176091259	1.672097858	0.477121255	0.84509804	0.954242509	0	0	0.477121255	0	0.698970004	2.95403827	0	2.178294218	0	0	4.621018572	3.946305134	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
1	09.23.15	control	16	9.04	9.15	92.5	766	920	1.230448921	0.954242509	0	2.328379603	1.361727836	0	2.426511261	2.701567985	0	1.361727836	1.361727836	0.477121255	0	0	0.477121255	1.176091259	3.351688516	0	4.014295091	3.555736028	2.178294218	3.899734556	3.020916086	0	0	0	0	0	3.454310174	0	0	2.778188332	0	6.232498506
2	09.23.15	control	15.4	9.24	9.87	99.1	642	783	0.84509804	0	0	1.812913357	1.462397998	1.041392685	1.361727836	2.096910013	1.113943352	1.113943352	1.397940009	0	0	0.698970004	0	0	2.778188332	0	0	0	0	4.765361031	3.622665561	0	2.477881497	0	0	0	3.573459963	0	0	2.178294218	0	8.229635678
3	09.23.15	control	15	9.18	9.22	89.7	658	812	1.431363764	0.477121255	0	2.136720567	1.707570176	0	1.397940009	2.324282455	1.041392685	1.653212514	1.740362689	0.84509804	0	0	0	0.698970004	3.048918942	0	3.100028348	3.758300383	2.92410953	4.008806171	3.677011042	0	0	0	0	0	4.678204242	0	0	2.148536707	0	6.826740949
4	09.23.15	control	14.9	9.29	8.69	85.6	665	824	1.51851394	0.477121255	0	1.755874856	1.51851394	1.230448921	1.568201724	2.149219113	0.954242509	0.954242509	1.230448921	0.477121255	0	0	0	0.698970004	2.477881497	0	0	3.590488842	0	4.327712741	3.856705622	0	0	0	0	0	4.962160135	0	0	0	0	4.962160135
5	09.23.15	high diuron	15.2	9.13	8.6	85.8	655	807	1.278753601	0	0	1.176091259	1.544068044	1.041392685	0	1.770852012	2.012837225	1.431363764	2.11058971	1.838849091	0	1.875061263	0	1.113943352	3.488004637	0	3.937882551	2.845031715	0	3.3760724	3.187115801	0	0	0	0	0	2.448021484	0	0	2.845031715	0	5.293053199
6	09.23.15	high diuron	15	9.02	8.26	81.9	666	823	1.278753601	0	0	1.886490725	1.176091259	0.698970004	1.812913357	2.247973266	1.278753601	0.84509804	1.397940009	0	0	0	0	0.477121255	2.762974214	0	2.462693138	3.622665561	2.859734288	3.916091553	3.201829649	0	0	0	0	0	4.358840104	0	0	2.16315712	0	6.521997224
7	09.23.15	high diuron	15.2	8.9	7.09	70.8	763	938	1.278753601	0	0	1.755874856	0.698970004	1.176091259	2.021189299	2.252853031	0.477121255	1.431363764	1.462397998	1.278753601	0	0.84509804	0	0.477121255	2.762974214	0	2.638285261	4.185498207	0	4.377666155	3.783484804	0	0	0	0	0	4.413033818	0	0	0	0	4.413033818
8	09.23.15	high diuron	14.8	9.03	8.52	84.5	689	856	1.230448921	0	0	1.633468456	0	1.041392685	0.84509804	1.770852012	1.278753601	0.698970004	1.361727836	0	0	0	0	0.477121255	3.522022409	0	0	0	0	3.71654993	3.892613384	0	0	0	0	0	2.16315712	0	0	0	0	2.16315712
9	09.23.15	low diuron bifenthrin	15.1	8.98	7.96	78.8	718	886	1.431363764	0	0	1.633468456	1.361727836	1.230448921	1.707570176	2.123851641	0	1.322219295	1.322219295	0.698970004	0	0	0.698970004	0.698970004	2.653490783	2.178294218	0	2.778188332	0	4.376819337	3.537257874	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
10	09.23.15	low diuron bifenthrin	14.8	9.08	8.73	84.9	674	838	1.230448921	0	0	1.919078092	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.707570176	2.184691431	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	0	0	1.041392685	3.114740106	0	2.859734288	4.079278285	3.274338334	3.704317857	3.558224138	0	0	0	0	0	4.463375008	0	0	0	0	4.463375008
11	09.23.15	low diuron bifenthrin	14.6	9.21	9.4	91.9	622	777	1.591064607	0.477121255	0	1.230448921	0.698970004	0.698970004	1.113943352	1.568201724	1.230448921	1.113943352	1.462397998	0.954242509	0	0.477121255	0.477121255	0	3.129968574	0	2.874953569	3.175693866	3.020916086	4.02054344	2.874953569	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	2.653490783	0	4.831785001
12	09.23.15	low diuron bifenthrin	14.7	9.41	11.46	112.5	648	807	1.431363764	0	0	1.361727836	0.477121255	0.84509804	1.397940009	1.740362689	1.361727836	1.041392685	1.51851394	0	0	0	0	0.698970004	3.762299079	0	3.063629264	3.005690901	3.23959547	3.502723188	2.762974214	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.23959547	0	3.23959547
13	09.23.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.6	9.19	9.18	90.3	627	782	1.113943352	0	0	1.230448921	1.041392685	0	1.230448921	1.633468456	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.176091259	0.954242509	0	0.698970004	0	0.477121255	3.406023444	0	3.637901957	3.47657894	2.874953569	3.743684067	3.289570338	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	3.847563528	3.175693866	9.201551612
14	09.23.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.6	9.28	10.06	98.4	635	791	0	0	0	1.770852012	1.041392685	0	0.698970004	1.86332286	1.785329835	1.113943352	1.86332286	1.431363764	0	1.176091259	0	0.954242509	3.289570338	2.653490783	2.778188332	3.454310174	3.808939864	3.788258555	3.129968574	0	0	0	0	0	3.254826811	0	0	0	0	3.254826811
15	09.23.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.9	9.17	9.29	92.2	717	887	1.113943352	0	0	1.986771734	1.113943352	0.698970004	1.361727836	2.130333768	0.954242509	0.84509804	1.176091259	0	0	0	0	1.113943352	3.719554865	0	3.537257874	2.874953569	2.178294218	3.666859203	2.778188332	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.874953569	0	2.874953569
16	09.23.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.7	9.04	8.2	81.1	753	938	1.278753601	0.477121255	0	1.51851394	0.84509804	0	0.477121255	1.612783857	0	0.954242509	0.954242509	0	0	0	0	0.698970004	2.193985593	0	0	4.212414172	2.669250603	3.696435596	3.696435596	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
1	09.30.15	control	16.9	9.16	9.52	97	826	976	0.477121255	0	0	1.612783857	1.361727836	0	1.740362689	2.068185862	0	0.698970004	0.698970004	0	0	0	0.477121255	0	2.509962945	0	2.810321315	3.52993616	0	4.386583438	3.654842849	0	0	0	0	0	4.681813958	0	0	0	2.685606569	7.367420527
2	09.30.15	control	16.4	9.43	10.53	106.7	697	833	0.84509804	0	0	1.397940009	1.176091259	0.698970004	0.698970004	1.672097858	0.477121255	0.84509804	0.954242509	0	0	0.477121255	0	0	2.193985593	0	2.193985593	0	0	4.389873027	4.228650394	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.193985593	0	2.193985593
3	09.30.15	control	15.9	9.32	9.56	95.9	697	844	1.113943352	0	0	1.51851394	1.278753601	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.851258349	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.322219295	0	0	0	0	0.698970004	3.23959547	0	3.063629264	3.850421379	3.522022409	4.253609914	3.23959547	0	0	0	0	2.938815545	3.575252858	0	0	0	0	6.514068403
4	09.30.15	control	15.8	9.3	10.27	103.1	711	863	0.84509804	0	0	1.462397998	0.954242509	0.477121255	0	1.591064607	0.698970004	0.698970004	0.954242509	0	0	0	0.477121255	0	3.036695572	0	3.395492959	0	0	3.63845613	4.036336228	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
5	09.30.15	high diuron	15.7	9.32	8.89	89.7	697	847	0.477121255	0	0	0	0.477121255	0	1.278753601	1.322219295	1.431363764	0.698970004	1.491361694	0.477121255	0	1.361727836	0	0.954242509	3.915819386	0	3.652621882	3.537257874	0	3.606875129	2.178294218	0	0	0	0	2.874953569	2.178294218	0	0	3.175693866	0	8.228941653
6	09.30.15	high diuron	15.6	9.13	8.55	86.4	720	878	1.176091259	0	0	1.397940009	0.477121255	0.84509804	1.322219295	1.72427587	0.954242509	1.041392685	1.278753601	0	0	0	0	0	3.217060206	0	2.477881497	0	0	4.751753017	4.08925319	0	0	0	0	0	3.743684067	0	0	2.477881497	0	6.221565564
7	09.30.15	high diuron	15.9	9.06	8.26	85.4	813	984	1.322219295	0.477121255	0	1.653212514	0	0	1.113943352	1.755874856	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0	0	0.477121255	0	0	2.79395675	0	0	3.036695572	3.232845063	3.77105542	4.173498602	0	0	0	0	0	4.048569574	0	0	0	0	4.048569574
8	09.30.15	high diuron	15.4	9.24	9.26	94.3	730	894	0.698970004	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	0	1.322219295	1.278753601	1.69019608	1.230448921	1.230448921	1.51851394	0	0	0	0	0	3.814514106	0	3.191477784	0	0	3.9394362	3.513550674	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
9	09.30.15	low diuron bifenthrin	15.5	9.18	8.48	85.1	771	942	1.397940009	0	0	1.176091259	0.698970004	0.84509804	1.322219295	1.653212514	0	0.698970004	0.698970004	0	0	0	0.698970004	0.477121255	3.289570338	0	3.020916086	2.95403827	3.175693866	4.200737197	3.838224843	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.178294218	2.178294218
10	09.30.15	low diuron bifenthrin	15.2	9.22	9.53	95.4	712	876	0.698970004	0	0	0.84509804	0	0	2.103803721	2.123851641	0.477121255	0.477121255	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	0.477121255	3.145751342	0	2.193985593	0	0	5.089378261	3.55304764	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
11	09.30.15	low diuron bifenthrin	15.2	9.39	9.73	97.1	657	810	1.230448921	0.477121255	0	0.698970004	0	1.176091259	1.322219295	1.591064607	0.954242509	1.176091259	1.361727836	0	0	0	0	0	3.383859397	0	2.986188468	4.070948404	3.321739096	3.438195948	2.986188468	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.053071206	2.509962945	5.563034151
12	09.30.15	low diuron bifenthrin	15.1	9.66	11.27	112.7	688	849	0.84509804	0	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0	0.698970004	1.397940009	0	0.698970004	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	0.698970004	3.890224169	0	3.44662607	3.77105542	3.668412697	4.042495974	3.44662607	0	0	0	0	0	2.193985593	0	0	3.589250089	3.036695572	8.819931254
13	09.30.15	high diuron bifenthrin	15	9.4	9.61	95.7	680	841	1.113943352	0	0	1.041392685	0	0.477121255	1.361727836	1.544068044	0.477121255	0.698970004	0.84509804	0	0	0.477121255	0	0	3.77105542	0	3.191477784	3.759475536	2.89072715	3.814514106	3.270612452	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.305356642	3.305356642	6.610713284
14	09.30.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.9	9.48	10.91	108.6	676	837	0.477121255	0	0	0.954242509	0	0.477121255	0.954242509	1.278753601	1.278753601	0.84509804	1.397940009	0	0	0.84509804	0	0.477121255	2.810321315	0	2.986188468	3.684799662	3.888885991	4.260690931	3.053071206	0	0	0	0	0	3.24922607	0	0	2.509962945	0	5.759189015
15	09.30.15	high diuron bifenthrin	15.1	9.37	8.95	89.4	771	950	0.477121255	0	0	1.397940009	0	0.698970004	0.477121255	1.491361694	0	0.698970004	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	0	3.622665561	0	4.082685823	3.463010735	2.509962945	3.550133719	2.907096879	0	3.20785785	0	0	0	3.52993616	0	0	2.685606569	0	9.423400579
16	09.30.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.7	9.27	9.23	92	795	989	0.84509804	0	0	1.544068044	1.176091259	1.041392685	1.397940009	1.919078092	0	0.954242509	0.954242509	0	0	0	0	0.84509804	3.162130259	0	2.907096879	3.897839689	0	4.058884931	3.940032281	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.986188468	2.986188468
1	10.07.15	control	16	9.26	8.84	89.9	844	1015	1.361727836	0.477121255	0	1.770852012	1.431363764	0	1.230448921	2.012837225	0.84509804	1.278753601	1.397940009	0	0	0	0.477121255	1.113943352	3.283969356	0	3.321739096	0	0	3.958401906	4.081235877	0	0	0	0	0	2.845031715	2.720299768	0	0	0	5.565331483
2	10.07.15	control	15.7	9.36	9.12	92.6	701	852	0.698970004	0	0	1.785329835	1.491361694	0.477121255	0.698970004	1.986771734	1.278753601	1.113943352	1.491361694	0	0	0.477121255	0.477121255	0.477121255	3.053071206	0	2.210273092	2.509962945	3.906612514	4.510798112	4.24503986	0	2.210273092	2.210273092	0	0	2.210273092	2.210273092	0	0	0	8.841092368
3	10.07.15	control	15.2	9.18	8.7	86.6	679	835	1.230448921	0	0	1.755874856	1.51851394	0	0.954242509	1.995635195	1.230448921	1.491361694	1.672097858	0.84509804	0	0	0	0.698970004	0	0	2.178294218	0	0	4.628732526	4.067535754	0	0	0	0	0	2.477881497	0	0	0	0	2.477881497
4	10.07.15	control	15.2	9.28	8.68	86.4	721	887	1.041392685	0	0	1.929418926	0.954242509	1.176091259	1.322219295	2.103803721	1.176091259	1.176091259	1.462397998	0.698970004	0	0	0	0	2.827328802	0	3.480038322	3.804473725	2.22720349	4.436825486	3.826746714	0	0	0	0	0	4.249952288	0	0	2.22720349	0	6.477155778
5	10.07.15	high diuron	15	9.12	7.82	77.8	694	857	0.84509804	0	0	1.230448921	0.84509804	0	1.230448921	1.591064607	2.1430148	1.041392685	2.173186268	1.462397998	0	2.460897843	0	0	3.053071206	0	0	0	0	4.517232025	2.810321315	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
6	10.07.15	high diuron	14.8	9.04	8.25	83.3	710	882	1.041392685	0	0	1.431363764	1.176091259	0.954242509	0.954242509	1.755874856	1.397940009	1.397940009	1.69019608	1.041392685	0	0	0	0.84509804	2.509962945	0	3.383859397	0	2.210273092	4.448153382	3.963510753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.685606569	0	2.685606569
7	10.07.15	high diuron	15.5	8.97	7.5	81.8	844	1030	1.322219295	0	0	1.397940009	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.361727836	1.707570176	0	0.698970004	0.698970004	0	0	0.477121255	0	0	2.509962945	0	0	3.321739096	2.685606569	3.438195948	0	0	0	0	0	0	4.064958552	0	0	0	0	4.064958552
8	10.07.15	high diuron	15.2	9.13	8.42	83.7	758	932	0.698970004	0	0	1.86332286	0	1.041392685	1.361727836	2.021189299	1.278753601	0.84509804	1.397940009	0	0	0	0.477121255	0	3.841119731	0	2.509962945	0	2.907096879	4.16665964	3.870405024	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
9	10.07.15	low diuron bifenthrin	15.4	9.06	7.54	76.4	795	974	0.84509804	0	0	1.672097858	1.041392685	2.012837225	0.477121255	2.212187604	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.176091259	0.698970004	0	0	0	0.954242509	3.525781433	0	2.702605456	0	0	4.289102307	3.224880838	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
10	10.07.15	low diuron bifenthrin	14.9	9.11	8.42	83.1	716	887	1.278753601	0	0	1.707570176	0.477121255	1.86332286	0.698970004	2.11058971	0.954242509	1.176091259	1.361727836	0	0	0	0	0	2.493624149	0	2.89072715	3.589250089	2.969815295	4.51549395	3.55304764	0	0	0	0	0	2.493624149	0	0	2.493624149	0	4.987248298
11	10.07.15	low diuron bifenthrin	14.8	9.23	8.18	81.2	664	825	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	1.431363764	0	0.84509804	0	1.591064607	1.397940009	1.041392685	1.544068044	0.698970004	0	0	0	0.698970004	4.207615585	0	3.286994242	2.210273092	2.907096879	3.931915331	3.963510753	0	0	0	0	0	2.210273092	0	0	2.509962945	0	4.720236037
12	10.07.15	low diuron bifenthrin	14.8	9.48	10.18	100.5	698	867	0.698970004	0	0	1.462397998	0	1.230448921	0.477121255	1.672097858	0.84509804	1.278753601	1.397940009	0	0	0	0	0	2.810321315	0	3.053071206	0	2.907096879	0	4.207615585	0	0	0	0	0	2.509962945	0	0	2.810321315	0	5.32028426
13	10.07.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.8	9.27	9	88.5	685	851	0.954242509	0	0	1.397940009	0	0.477121255	1.230448921	1.672097858	0.84509804	1.113943352	1.278753601	0.477121255	0	1.176091259	0	0	3.55304764	0	2.79395675	0	0	4.072048626	2.89072715	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	10.07.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.7	9.3	9.36	92.2	681	848	0.698970004	0	0	1.799340549	1.041392685	0.698970004	0	1.886490725	1.591064607	1.278753601	1.755874856	1.176091259	0	1.176091259	0.698970004	0.477121255	2.493624149	0	2.193985593	0	3.367475882	3.696435596	3.305356642	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
15	10.07.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.7	9.18	8.36	82.5	786	978	0.84509804	0	0	0.954242509	0.84509804	1.041392685	0	1.397940009	1.113943352	1.176091259	1.431363764	0	0	0	0	0.954242509	3.77105542	0	3.983635031	4.392612953	2.79395675	3.395492959	3.232845063	0	2.89072715	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.79395675	0	5.6846839
16	10.07.15	high diuron bifenthrin	14.5	9.13	7.9	76.8	819	1024	0.477121255	0	0	1.591064607	0	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.770852012	0.698970004	0.954242509	1.113943352	0	0	0	0	0.954242509	3.087803747	0	0	0	0	3.356485276	4.074896229	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
1	10.14.15	control	17.3	8.7	10.8	112.3	795	926	1.176091259	0.698970004	0	1.919078092	1.322219295	0	1.113943352	2.06069784	0.84509804	1.041392685	1.230448921	0	0	0	0	1.113943352	3.424357849	0	3.349754879	0	0	4.279002505	4.132244516	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.424357849	2.623596445	6.047954294
2	10.14.15	control	16.8	9	9.83	101.4	712	842	1.176091259	0	0	1.397940009	1.113943352	0	0	1.568201724	1.361727836	1.230448921	1.591064607	0	0	0.477121255	0	0.698970004	2.874953569	0	2.874953569	0	3.652621882	4.286016164	3.454310174	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.477881497	0	2.477881497
3	10.14.15	control	16.7	9.11	10.04	103.4	832	833	1.230448921	0.698970004	0	1.653212514	0.84509804	0	0.698970004	1.740362689	1.113943352	1.491361694	1.633468456	0.84509804	0	0	0	1.113943352	3.308381604	0	3.145751342	0	3.76688019	4.297194573	4.012575277	0	0	0	0	0	2.107452407	0	0	2.406783568	2.107452407	6.621688382
4	10.14.15	control	16.6	9.22	9.3	95.5	732	872	0.698970004	0.698970004	0	1.397940009	0.698970004	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.51851394	0.954242509	1.113943352	1.322219295	0.477121255	0	0	0.477121255	0	3.020916086	0	2.874953569	0	2.874953569	4.124826563	4.258213311	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
5	10.14.15	high diuron	16.6	9.13	8.73	89.5	711	848	1.113943352	0	0	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	1.462397998	1.612783857	0	1.612783857	1.322219295	0	2.247973266	0	0	3.673806579	0	3.196869365	0	2.720299768	3.865659232	4.17434595	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
6	10.14.15	high diuron	16.4	9.02	9.33	95.5	704	842	1.462397998	0	0	1.113943352	1.041392685	0	0	1.361727836	1.612783857	1.397940009	1.812913357	0	0	0.477121255	0	1.113943352	3.070089763	0	3.546964569	0	2.827328802	4.591989031	3.877892045	0	0	0	0	0	2.22720349	0	0	0	2.22720349	4.45440698
7	10.14.15	high diuron	17.5	8.99	8.73	91.3	833	971	1.278753601	0	0	1.740362689	0	0	1.278753601	1.875061263	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0	0	1.041392685	0	0	2.638285261	0	0	0	0	5.003401096	3.502723188	0	0	0	0	0	4.324537435	0	0	2.16315712	0	6.487694555
8	10.14.15	high diuron	17.1	9.1	9.83	101.8	739	870	0.477121255	0	0	1.707570176	0	0	0.954242509	1.770852012	1.544068044	0.698970004	1.591064607	0.477121255	0	0	0	0.698970004	4.118005144	0	3.529268725	0	0	4.295575158	3.386651147	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.134399087	2.134399087
9	10.14.15	low diuron bifenthrin	17.3	9.1	9.16	95.5	790	925	1.278753601	0	0	1.812913357	1.176091259	0.477121255	0.954242509	1.949390007	0	1.278753601	1.278753601	0.954242509	0	0	0.477121255	1.113943352	3.114740106	0	2.16315712	0	3.439075657	3.439075657	3.908405665	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
10	10.14.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.3	9.07	9.33	95	722	864	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	1.230448921	0.477121255	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.361727836	1.361727836	1.230448921	1.591064607	0.84509804	0	0	0	1.230448921	2.845031715	0	2.148536707	0	2.92410953	2.748276803	4.469737932	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
11	10.14.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.5	9.12	9.03	92.6	667	796	1.230448921	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	0.698970004	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.397940009	0.954242509	1.51851394	0	0	0.477121255	0	1.113943352	3.424357849	0	2.148536707	0	0	3.3760724	4.194686515	0	0	0	0	0	2.148536707	0	0	2.92410953	0	5.072646237
12	10.14.15	low diuron bifenthrin	16.3	9.36	11.02	112.3	674	809	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	1.72427587	1.230448921	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.875061263	1.041392685	0.954242509	1.278753601	0	0	0	0.477121255	0.84509804	2.609390445	0	0	0	2.609390445	3.245390563	4.085478494	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
13	10.14.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16	9.27	10.22	103.8	683	826	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	1.113943352	0	0.954242509	1.176091259	1.568201724	1.612783857	1.278753601	1.770852012	0	0	1.397940009	0.477121255	0.698970004	3.650687813	0	2.148536707	2.623596445	0	4.30382482	3.467807974	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	10.14.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16	9.26	9.99	101.2	686	829	0.84509804	0.698970004	0	1.278753601	0	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.431363764	1.612783857	0.954242509	1.69019608	0.698970004	0	1.278753601	0	0.698970004	2.462693138	0	0	2.16315712	3.336455451	4.494631664	3.80368494	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.16315712	0	2.16315712
15	10.14.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16.3	9.12	8.68	88.7	784	940	1.113943352	0	0	2.004321374	1.397940009	0	0.477121255	2.103803721	1.278753601	1.51851394	1.707570176	0	0	0	0	1.278753601	3.931066923	0	3.336455451	0	2.462693138	3.575252858	4.364302762	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.841467813	0	3.841467813
16	10.14.15	high diuron bifenthrin	16	9.09	9.49	96.2	798	963	0.698970004	0.477121255	0	1.462397998	0.698970004	0	0	1.51851394	0	1.041392685	1.041392685	0.698970004	0	0	0	1.113943352	3.773021114	0	2.859734288	0	0	3.439075657	3.306506523	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
1	10.21.15	control	14.3	9.07	11.06	107.4	755	950	1.397940009	0	0	1.755874856	1.176091259	0	1.361727836	1.968482949	0.477121255	0.954242509	1.041392685	0	0	0	0.477121255	0.954242509	3.573459963	0	3.666859203	2.178294218	2.653490783	4.224647889	3.555736028	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
2	10.21.15	control	13.7	9.25	10.44	100.2	678	865	0.477121255	0.698970004	0	1.707570176	1.041392685	0	0	1.785329835	1.322219295	0.84509804	1.431363764	0	0	0.84509804	0	0	3.47657894	2.178294218	3.020916086	0	3.915819386	4.415969889	4.282636599	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
3	10.21.15	control	13.7	9.22	10.95	105.6	664	846	0.698970004	0	0	1.612783857	0.954242509	0	0.698970004	1.740362689	0.954242509	1.176091259	1.361727836	0	0	0	0	0.477121255	3.511545308	0	2.43383264	0	3.71106839	4.905722674	4.03433043	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
4	10.21.15	control	13.4	9.31	9.84	94.5	701	901	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	1.72427587	1.041392685	0.954242509	0.477121255	1.86332286	0.84509804	0.84509804	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	0	1.041392685	0	3.454310174	0	2.95403827	0	2.477881497	4.895568802	3.874431973	0	0	0	0	0	2.778188332	0	0	2.477881497	0	5.256069829
5	10.21.15	high diuron	13.4	9.15	8.98	87.8	648	833	0.954242509	0	0	1.361727836	0	0	0.477121255	1.431363764	1.397940009	0	1.397940009	1.322219295	0	2.396199347	0	0.477121255	4.191226204	0	3.722759396	0	2.669250603	3.094637628	3.305356642	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.193985593	0	2.193985593
6	10.21.15	high diuron	13.2	9.12	10.75	103	658	849	1.278753601	0	0	1.230448921	0.698970004	0	0.477121255	1.361727836	1.431363764	1.322219295	1.672097858	0.477121255	0	0.477121255	0	0.477121255	3.321739096	0	0	0	3.224880838	5.026258432	4.154071383	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.525781433	0	3.525781433
7	10.21.15	high diuron	13.7	9.12	9.89	95.8	766	978	1.278753601	0	0	1.707570176	0	0	0.477121255	1.72427587	0.954242509	0.954242509	1.230448921	0.84509804	0	0.477121255	0.477121255	0.698970004	3.005690901	0	2.462693138	0	2.762974214	5.217832742	4.142466526	0	0	0	0	0	3.952604138	0	0	2.16315712	0	6.115761258
8	10.21.15	high diuron	13.6	9.27	11.15	107.7	690	882	0.84509804	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	0.84509804	0	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.491361694	0	1.491361694	0	0	0	0	0.84509804	4.129678704	0	2.653490783	2.874953569	0	3.652621882	3.379705162	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
9	10.21.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.8	9.19	9.51	92.3	751	955	0.954242509	0.698970004	0	1.397940009	0.84509804	0.954242509	0.954242509	1.672097858	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0.698970004	0	0	0	1.278753601	3.892613384	0	3.114740106	2.16315712	3.637385367	3.336455451	3.979753448	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
10	10.21.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.2	9.16	10.37	99	681	878	0.954242509	0	0	1.041392685	0.698970004	0	0.477121255	1.230448921	1.361727836	1.361727836	1.653212514	0.954242509	0	0.477121255	0	0.954242509	3.172884771	0	3.277557615	2.134399087	3.649811532	4.403059088	3.562682971	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2.43383264	2.43383264
11	10.21.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.3	9.25	10.3	98.7	637	820	0.954242509	0.698970004	0	1.113943352	0.698970004	0	1.041392685	1.431363764	1.230448921	0.84509804	1.361727836	1.041392685	0	0	0.477121255	0	3.454310174	0	2.178294218	0	3.555736028	3.351688516	4.119919599	0	0	0	0	0	3.537257874	0	0	0	0	3.537257874
12	10.21.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.1	9.44	11.85	112.8	625	811	1.591064607	0.698970004	0	1.755874856	0.477121255	0.477121255	0	1.785329835	1.591064607	1.113943352	1.707570176	0	0	0	1.041392685	1.113943352	3.992717087	0	2.462693138	0	3.773021114	4.601083972	3.900581303	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
13	10.21.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13	9.33	11.08	105.4	645	837	0	0	0	0.954242509	0.698970004	0.698970004	0.477121255	1.278753601	1.51851394	1.176091259	1.672097858	0	0	1.176091259	0	0.698970004	3.517958449	0	2.178294218	0	3.379705162	4.877840265	4.056255722	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	10.21.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13	9.31	10.82	102.9	652	846	0.477121255	0	0	1.612783857	0.477121255	0.477121255	1.113943352	1.755874856	1.633468456	0.84509804	1.69019608	0.954242509	0	1.041392685	0.477121255	0.477121255	2.16315712	0	0	0	2.462693138	3.502723188	3.704317857	0	0	0	0	0	2.762974214	0	0	0	0	2.762974214
15	10.21.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13	9.13	8.88	84.4	756	980	1.113943352	0	0	1.176091259	0.477121255	0.477121255	0	1.278753601	1.113943352	0.84509804	1.278753601	0	0	0	0	0.698970004	3.175693866	0	0	0	0	0	3.430837555	0	0	0	0	0	4.038766558	0	0	0	0	4.038766558
16	10.21.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13.1	9.17	10.09	96.5	757	979	0.698970004	0.477121255	0	1.544068044	0	0.698970004	0	1.591064607	0.477121255	0	0.477121255	1.041392685	0	0	0	1.361727836	3.916091553	0	2.762974214	0	2.462693138	3.691731253	3.916091553	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
1	10.28.15	control	14.3	9.07	10.58	103.1	773	973	1.462397998	0	0	1.51851394	1.176091259	0	1.230448921	1.826074803	0.84509804	0	0.84509804	0.698970004	0	0	0.477121255	0.954242509	3.351688516	0	2.874953569	0	2.778188332	3.694005781	4.162205604	0	0	0	0	0	2.477881497	0	0	0	0	2.477881497
2	10.28.15	control	13.8	9.2	10.74	103.3	706	899	1.322219295	0	0	1.397940009	0.954242509	0.477121255	0.698970004	1.591064607	1.278753601	1.113943352	1.491361694	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	0.477121255	1.041392685	3.411876905	0	2.509962945	0	3.841119731	4.099717782	4.515097961	0	0	0	0	0	2.210273092	0	0	0	0	2.210273092
3	10.28.15	control	13.7	9.21	11.19	106.6	648	823	1.361727836	0.477121255	0	0.84509804	0.477121255	0.477121255	0.954242509	1.278753601	0.84509804	1.041392685	1.230448921	0	0	0.954242509	0	0.954242509	2.830811959	0	3.277557615	0	3.838833437	5.030477548	4.381638351	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3.94416306	3.94416306
4	10.28.15	control	13.7	9.27	9.82	94.5	730	931	0.698970004	0.84509804	0	1.633468456	0.954242509	0.698970004	0.698970004	1.770852012	1.322219295	0.477121255	1.361727836	0.698970004	0	0	0.84509804	0.477121255	3.406023444	0	2.95403827	0	3.078856296	5.130131984	3.974790552	0	0	0	0	0	3.078856296	0	0	0	2.874953569	5.953809865
5	10.28.15	high diuron	13.6	9.14	9.12	88.2	705	901	0	0	0	0.477121255	0	0	0	0.477121255	2.149219113	0.477121255	2.155336037	0.84509804	0	2.674861141	0	0	4.246548457	0	3.575252858	0	2.938815545	4.160194042	3.979753448	0	0	0	0	0	2.938815545	0	0	0	0	2.938815545
6	10.28.15	high diuron	13.5	9.1	1074	103.3	683	875	1.397940009	0	0	1.176091259	0.477121255	0	0.698970004	1.322219295	1.591064607	1.278753601	1.755874856	0.477121255	0	0	0	1.041392685	2.748276803	0	2.748276803	0	3.349754879	4.132244516	4.300798516	0	0	0	0	0	3.048918942	0	0	0	0	3.048918942
7	10.28.15	high diuron	13.8	9.11	9.6	92.8	816	1039	1.612783857	0.477121255	0	1.672097858	0	0	0.698970004	1.707570176	0.698970004	0.954242509	1.113943352	0.698970004	0	0.477121255	0	1.041392685	2.874953569	0	2.778188332	0	3.020916086	4.810894434	3.891463082	0	0	0	0	0	3.020916086	0	0	0	0	3.020916086
8	10.28.15	high diuron	13.9	9.27	10.78	104.6	723	918	1.431363764	0.477121255	0	1.113943352	0	0.84509804	1.041392685	1.491361694	1.544068044	0.477121255	1.568201724	0	0	0	0	1.041392685	4.026703165	0	0	0	3.321739096	3.818922553	4.196620891	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
9	10.28.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.9	9.17	8.84	86	786	997	1.491361694	0	0	1.278753601	1.041392685	1.113943352	1.568201724	1.886490725	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0.477121255	0	0	0.477121255	1.230448921	3.020916086	0	0	0	2.178294218	2.477881497	3.289570338	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
10	10.28.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.5	9.13	10.71	102.7	704	902	0.84509804	0	0	1.230448921	0	0	1.322219295	1.568201724	1.397940009	1.322219295	1.653212514	0.954242509	0	0	0	1.113943352	3.351688516	0	2.178294218	0	2.95403827	4.405869954	3.988361943	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
11	10.28.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.5	9.25	10.61	102	656	840	1.322219295	0	0	0.954242509	1.041392685	0.698970004	0.84509804	1.462397998	1.591064607	0.84509804	1.653212514	0	0	0.84509804	0	0.954242509	3.463010735	0	0	0	3.20785785	3.712822777	3.787443111	0	0	0	0	0	3.162130259	0	0	0	0	3.162130259
12	10.28.15	low diuron bifenthrin	13.3	9.44	11.98	114.5	653	841	1.278753601	0	0	1.397940009	0.477121255	0	0	1.431363764	1.361727836	1.278753601	1.612783857	0	0	0	0.84509804	0.698970004	3.783484804	0	4.029436313	0	3.201829649	4.029436313	3.336455451	0	0	0	0	0	2.16315712	0	0	0	0	2.16315712
13	10.28.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13.3	9.37	11.42	109.2	663	853	1.113943352	0.477121255	0	0.698970004	0	0	0	0.698970004	1.361727836	0.954242509	1.491361694	0.477121255	0	1.51851394	0.477121255	1.230448921	3.575252858	0	0	0	3.005690901	4.510425435	4.099717782	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
14	10.28.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13.4	9.3	11.12	105.6	682	878	1.230448921	0	0	1.851258349	1.041392685	0	1.322219295	2.004321374	1.431363764	0.698970004	1.491361694	0.698970004	0	1.51851394	1.041392685	0.84509804	2.669250603	0	0	0	2.969815295	3.947122153	3.270612452	0	0	0	0	0	2.193985593	0	0	0	0	2.193985593
15	10.28.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13.4	9.05	8.75	84.6	785	1008	1.230448921	0.477121255	0	1.278753601	0	0	0.698970004	1.361727836	1.176091259	0.84509804	1.322219295	0	0	0	0	1.361727836	3.497761337	0	2.95403827	0	2.178294218	2.178294218	4.050503902	0	0	0	0	0	4.951383163	0	0	0	0	4.951383163
16	10.28.15	high diuron bifenthrin	13.5	9.13	9.85	94.8	793	1017	1.041392685	0.477121255	0	1.113943352	1.041392685	0	1.041392685	1.51851394	0	0.84509804	0.84509804	0.477121255	0	0	0	1.230448921	2.874953569	0	0	0	2.178294218	3.020916086	4.001522057	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0

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