[R] create variable

Ashta sewashm at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 16:56:47 CEST 2016

I am trying to query data from Hive service and create a variable.

dbGetQuery(hivecon,"select date1, date2 from  dateTable limit 10")
date1,  date2, Diif
4/5/1999,  6/14/2000
7/2/1999, 6/26/2000
8/14/1999, 8/19/2000
11/10/1999, 9/18/2000
8/25/2000, 6/5/2001
3/14/2012, 3/15/2004

Here is  what I wanted to do. While I am querying I want create a
variable diff= dat1e1-date2.
I may use this variable "diff"  to do some statistics (mean, mode,
etc) and also in the where clause l like as the following.

test_date=dbGetQuery(hivecon,"select date1, date2 from  dateTable
where diff gt 1000 limit 10")

I would appreciate if you suggest me how to do this.

Here is the sample of the data and  result

date1,  date2, Diif
4/5/1999,  6/14/2000, -436
7/2/1999, 6/26/2000, -360
8/14/1999, 8/19/2000, -371
11/10/1999, 9/18/2000, -313
8/25/2000, 6/5/2001, -284
3/14/2012, 3/15/2004, 2921

Thank you in advance

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