[R] Project on Course Recommender using R language

sampada upasani upasani.sampada at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 18:09:09 CET 2016


I am a student of Georgia Tech and currently working on a project : Course
Recommender using R language. Before moving forward I wanted to clear up
things and hence posting this question. Will I be able to build this
project using the Shiny App ? (Developing web applications using R). After
reading about shiny, I came to know that it is recommended for deploying
web applications and requires no knowledge of Javascript but is not
recommended for complex web apps. I was looking for developing a web app on
similar lines due to the time constraint.

Can you please share your thoughts on is it a good idea to use this app for
developing a web application for College Course Recommender?

Sampada Upasani
Graduate Student
Georgia Tech

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