[R] Alternative to "apply" in R 3.2.2

Olu Ola oluola2011 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 12 00:55:38 CET 2016

Thank you.

    On Friday, November 11, 2016 6:44 PM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:

 The "apply" I am familiar with us a FUNCTION in base R, not a contributed package. That is to say, it is always available in R, not something you need to load. 
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On November 11, 2016 3:39:53 PM PST, Olu Ola via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>Here is the warning message that appears when I tried installing the
>apply package:
>install.packages("apply")Installing package into
>‘C:/Users/Olufemi/Documents/R/win-library/3.2’(as ‘lib’ is
>unspecified)Warning in install.packages : package ‘apply’ is not
>available (for R version 3.2.2)
>On Friday, November 11, 2016 6:37 PM, Ista Zahn <istazahn at gmail.com>
> What makes you think " apply' does not work in R 3.2.2"?
>On Nov 11, 2016 6:24 PM, "Olu Ola via R-help" <r-help at r-project.org>
>Hello,I quite understand that apply is doing what it is supposed to do.
>I actually found that example online. However, "apply" package is not
>compatible with R 3.2.2 and as a result, I could not use the code. That
>is why I am asking for an alternative to "apply" that can be used to do
>the same thing.
>    On Friday, November 11, 2016 4:08 PM, "MacQueen, Don"
><macqueen1 at llnl.gov> wrote:
> Df.1$D looks correct to me. For example, in the third row, 7*2=14 is
>correct with the NA removed.
>Don MacQueen
>Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
>7000 East Ave., L-627
>Livermore, CA 94550
>On 11/11/16, 12:45 PM, "R-help on behalf of Olu Ola via R-help"
><r-help-bounces at r-project.org on behalf of r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>> Hello,I have a dataset that is similar to the one as follows:
>>> Df.1 <- data.frame(A = c(5,4,7,6,8,4),B =
>>>(c(1,5,2,4,9,1)),C=(c(2,3, NA,5,NA,9)))
>>> Df.1
>>  A B  C
>>1 5 1  2
>>2 4 5  3
>>3 7 2 NA
>>4 6 4  5
>>5 8 9 NA
>>6 4 1  9
>>> Df.1$D = apply(Df.1, 1, prod, na.rm=T)
>>> Df.1$D[1]  10  60  14 120  72  36
>>> Df.1
>>  A B  C  D
>>1 5 1  2  10
>>2 4 5  3  60
>>3 7 2 NA  14
>>4 6 4  5 120
>>5 8 9 NA  72
>>6 4 1  9  36I intend to obtain a column D that takes into account
>>but 'apply' does not work in R 3.2.2
>>A way forward will be greatly appreciated.
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