[R] point in polygon dataframe data

PIKAL Petr petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Wed Nov 2 13:08:51 CET 2016


There are plenty of options

did you try any of them?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Indhira,
> Anusha
> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 12:50 PM
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] point in polygon dataframe data
> Hi ,
> I have polygon vertices as given below
>    ft_num         dv_ft dp30_mn_phase     dv_n2 p30_mn_phase tgt_mn_phase
> n2_bin    fuel_mn    epr_mn  min_dp30_mnp
> 19     28 zero-gradient -0.0006680832 transient     34.76701     493.6494    g75
> 304.56411 0.9593899 -0.0006680832
> 18     28  neg-gradient -0.0022879651 transient     30.90294     459.6093    g75
> 262.22673 0.9561083 -0.0022879651
> 22     31 zero-gradient -0.0001535604 transient     12.15854     304.8818    l50
> 29.82188 0.9487416 -0.0001535604
> 2      10 zero-gradient  0.0003930719 transient     21.80663     503.8669    l50
> 242.14284 0.9250054  0.0003930719
> 1      10  pos-gradient -0.0016072616 transient     23.35261     516.5950 b50-75
> 265.61233 0.9206513 -0.0016072616
> 5      13      zero-alt  0.0010052941 transient     31.93961     574.0899 b50-75
> 2092.06574 1.0072156  0.0010052941
> 6      14  neg-gradient -0.0017905848 transient     42.34545     626.4670 b50-75
> 465.59408 0.9588052 -0.0017905848
> 20     30  neg-gradient -0.0015010177 transient     46.30469     644.3314    g75
> 525.38626 0.9496521 -0.0015010177
>     max_dp30_mnp min_p30_mnp max_p30_mnp
> 19 -0.0006680832    34.76701    34.76701
> 18 -0.0022879651    30.90294    30.90294
> 22 -0.0001535604    12.15854    12.15854
> 2   0.0003930719    21.80663    21.80663
> 1  -0.0016072616    23.35261    23.35261
> 5   0.0010052941    31.93961    31.93961
> 6  -0.0017905848    42.34545    42.34545
> 20 -0.0015010177    46.30469    46.30469
> Is there a function in R which can tell whether a point from a data.frame
> having same columns is inside or outside the polygon( can remove ft_num
> attribute for comparision)?
> Thanks,
> Alily
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