[R] asking for large memory - crash running rterm.exe on windows
Anthony Damico
ajdamico at gmail.com
Sun May 29 06:24:52 CEST 2016
hi, thanks to you both! note the large memory.limit() on the machine
before the crash (200+ gb) so i'm not sure it's a simple overloading
explosion? i've filed a bug report..
On Saturday, May 28, 2016, Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> >>>>> Ben Bolker <bbolker at gmail.com>
> >>>>> on Sat, 28 May 2016 15:42:45 +0000 writes:
> > Anthony Damico <ajdamico <at> gmail.com> writes:
> >>
> >> hi, here's a minimal reproducible example that crashes my
> >> R 3.3.0 console on a powerful windows server. below the
> >> example, i've put the error (not crash) that occurs on R
> >> 3.2.3.
> >>
> >> should this be reported to http://bugs.r-project.org/ or
> >> am i doing something silly? thanx
> > From the R FAQ (9.1):
> > If R executes an illegal instruction, or dies with an
> > operating system error message that indicates a problem in
> > the program (as opposed to something like “disk full”),
> > then it is certainly a bug.
> > So you could submit a bug report, *or* open a discussion
> > on r-devel at r-project.org (which I'd have said was a more
> > appropriate venue for this question in any case) ...
> Indeed.
> In this case, this is a known problem -- not just of R, but of
> many programs that you can run ---
> You are requesting (much) more memory than your computer has
> RAM, and in this situation -- depending on the OS ---
> your computer will kill R (what you saw) or your it will become
> very slow trying to shove all memory to R and start swapping
> (out to disk other running / sleeping processes on the
> computer).
> Both is very unpleasant...
> But it is you as R user who asked R to allocate an object of
> about 41.6 Gigabytes (26 * 1.6, see below).
> As Ben mentioned this may be worth a discussion on R-devel ...
> or you rather follow up the existing thread opened by Marius
> Hofert three weeks ago, with subject
> "[Rd] R process killed when allocating too large matrix (Mac OS X)"
> --> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2016-May/072648.html
> His simple command to "crash R" was
> matrix(0, 1e5, 1e5)
> which for some of use gives an error such as
> > x <- matrix(0, 1e5,1e5)
> Error: cannot allocate vector of size 74.5 Gb
> but for others it had the same effect as your example.
> BTW: I repeat it here in a functionalized form with added
> comments which makes apparent what's going on:
> ## Make simple data.frame
> mkDf <- function(grpsize, wrongSize = FALSE) {
> ne <- (if(wrongSize) 26 else 1) *grpsize
> data.frame(x = rep(LETTERS, each = ne),
> v = runif(grpsize*26), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> }
> g1 <- ceiling(10^5/26)
> d1 <- mkDf(g1) # works fine
> str(d1)
> ## 'data.frame': 100022 obs. of 2 variables:
> dP <- mkDf(g1, wrong=TRUE)# mis-matching the number of elements
> str(dP) # is 26 times larger
> ## 'data.frame': 2600572 obs. of 2 variables: .....
> # make this much bigger
> gLarge <- ceiling(10^8/26)
> dL <- mkDf(gLarge) # works "fine" .. (well, takes time!!)
> str(dL)
> ## 'data.frame': 100000004 obs. of 2 variables:
> as.numeric(print(object.size(dL)) / 1e6)
> ## 1600002088 bytes
> ## [1] 1600.002 Mega i.e., 1.6 GBytes
> ## Well, this will be 26 times larger than already large ==> your R may
> crash *OR*
> ## your computer may basically slow down to a crawl, when R requests all
> its memory...
> if(FALSE) ## ==> do *NOT* evaluate the following lightly !!
> dLL <- mkDf(gLarge, wrong=TRUE)
> # C:\Users\AnthonyD>
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