[R] How to visualize this df

chalabi.elahe at yahoo.de chalabi.elahe at yahoo.de
Mon Jun 20 13:18:13 CEST 2016

Hi all,
I have a question about how to visualize my df! here is my df I need to visualize:

    'data.frame':   455 obs. of 128 variables:
    $Protocol      :Factor w/132 levels "_unknown","PD FS SAG","T1 SAG FS","T2 FS OR",...
    $NRuns         : int   45 45 156 75 89 69 ......
    $Speed         :Factor w/4 levels "Slow","Fast","VeryFast","VerySlow" 
NRuns is actually number of times that the customer used the protocol and speed is how did the costumer run the Protocol. Each Protocol can have different NRuns. Do you know what's the best way to visualize this df? 
Thanks for any help!

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