[R] About identification of CRAN CHECK machines in logs

Marcelo Perlin marceloperlin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 16:24:03 CEST 2016


I recently released two packages (RndTexExams and GetTDData) in CRAN and
I'm trying to track the number of downloads and location of users.

I wrote a simple script to download and analyze the log files in http://cran
I realized, however, that during the release of a new version of the
packages there is a spike in the number of downloads. I believe that the
CRAN checks are included in the number of installations of the package in
the log files.

I see from the log files the existence of column "ip_id", which sets a
daily unique id for each new ip. My question is, can CRAN set the ip_id of
the CRAN machines to a fixed value so that we can filter only "real" users
out of the data? Can anyone see any other way around it?


Marcelo Perlin
Professor Adjunto | Escola de Administração
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Rua Washington Luiz, 855 | 90010-460| Porto Alegre RS| Brasil
Tel.: (51) 3308-3303 | www.ea.ufrgs.br

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