[R] How to make the "apply" faster
William Dunlap
wdunlap at tibco.com
Mon Jul 11 22:32:09 CEST 2016
If you use Rcpp::Rcpp.package.skeleton() to make a package out
of the attached C++ code you can speed up the run counting quite
a bit - to 1.4 s. from 48 s. for the 101 x 107 x 17 x 103 example.
The package you make will define an R function called CountColumnRuns
that computes the number of runs of TRUE of a given minimum length
for each column in a matrix. You can adapt it to your 4-dimensional array
f5 <- function (condition, spellLength = 2)
stopifnot(is.logical(condition), !anyNA(condition))
d <- dim(condition)
dn <- dimnames(condition)
tmp <- array(aperm(condition, c(3, 1, 2, 4)), c(d[3], prod(d[-3])))
runCounts <- RcppCountRuns::CountColumnRuns(tmp, spellLength)
array(runCounts, dim = d[-3], dimnames = dn[-3])
and call it as
f5( x > 1, spellLength=2)
to get the counts of all runs of length at least 2 in the 3rd dimension of
your 4-d array.
#include <Rcpp.h>
int CountRunsRaw(const int *x, int n, int minRun)
int count(0);
int runLength(0);
const int* lastX(x + n);
for( ; x != lastX ; x++)
if (*x)
if (runLength >= minRun)
runLength = 0;
if (runLength >= minRun)
return count;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int CountRuns(const Rcpp::LogicalVector& x, int minRun)
return CountRunsRaw(&x[0], x.size(), minRun);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::IntegerVector CountColumnRuns(const Rcpp::LogicalMatrix& x, int
Rcpp::IntegerVector out(x.ncol());
for(int i = 0 ; i < x.ncol() ; i++)
out[i] = CountRuns(x(Rcpp::_, i), minRun);
return out;
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 9:42 AM, William Dunlap <wdunlap at tibco.com> wrote:
> How fast is fast enough and what size and shape is your dataset
> (show the output of str(yourData))? You will get the fastest execution
> time by using C or C++ or Fortran, but you will want to parameterize
> the problem well enough that you can amortize the time it takes to
> write the code over many problems.
> Peter Langflder's suggested you use aperm followed by colSums
> for your earlier problem. For this one you can use aperm followed
> by filter (to identify the runs of a given minimum length, column by
> column) and then use colSums (to count the number of runs filter
> identifies in each column). E.g.,
> f4 <- function (condition, spellLength = 2)
> {
> # obscure way to count runs of length>spellLength
> # in 3'rd dimension of logical array 'condition'.
> stopifnot(is.logical(condition), !anyNA(condition))
> coef <- c(-1, rep(1, spellLength))
> d <- dim(condition)
> dn <- dimnames(condition)
> tmp <- array(aperm(condition * 2 - 1, c(3, 1, 2, 4)), c(d[3],
> prod(d[-3])))
> fTmp <- filter(rbind(tmp, -1), coef, sides = 1)
> sfTmp <- colSums(fTmp == spellLength + 1, na.rm = TRUE)
> array(sfTmp, dim = d[-3], dimnames = dn[-3])
> }
> f4(x>=1) is not a great deal faster (48 s. vs. 67 s.) than
> apply(x>=1, c(1,2,4), FUN=f3) where f3 is
> f3 <- function (condition, spellLength = 2)
> {
> stopifnot(is.logical(condition), !anyNA(condition))
> y <- rle(condition)
> sum(y$lengths[y$values] >= spellLength)
> }
> and where x has dimensions c(101,107,17,103).
> The relative speed will depend on the size and shape of your dataset,
> so show the output of str(yourData).
> Bill Dunlap
> TIBCO Software
> wdunlap tibco.com
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 1:38 PM, Debasish Pai Mazumder <pai1981 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for your response. It is faster than before but still very slow.
>> Any other suggestion ?
>> -Deb
>> On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 2:13 PM, William Dunlap <wdunlap at tibco.com>
>> wrote:
>>> There is no need to test that a logical equals TRUE:
>>> 'logicalVector==TRUE' is the
>>> same as just 'logicalVector'.
>>> There is no need to convert logical vectors to numeric, since rle()
>>> works on both
>>> types.
>>> There is no need to use length(subset(x, logicalVector)) to count how
>>> many elements
>>> in logicalVector are TRUE, just use sum(logicalVector).
>>> There is no need to make a variable, 'ans', then immediately return it.
>>> Hence your
>>> b[b == TRUE] = 1
>>> y <- rle(b)
>>> ans <- length(subset(y$lengths[y$values == 1], y$lengths[y$values ==
>>> 1] >= 2))
>>> return(ans)
>>> could be replaced by
>>> y <- rle(b)
>>> sum(y$lengths[y$values] >= 2)
>>> This gives some speedup, mainly for long vectors, but I find it more
>>> understandable.
>>> E.g., if f1 is your original function and f2 has the above replacement I
>>> get:
>>> > d <- -sin(1:10000+sqrt(1:4))
>>> > system.time(for(i in 1:10000)f1(d,.3))
>>> user system elapsed
>>> 5.19 0.00 5.19
>>> > system.time(for(i in 1:10000)f2(d,.3))
>>> user system elapsed
>>> 3.65 0.00 3.65
>>> > c(f1(d,.3), f2(d,.3))
>>> [1] 1492 1492
>>> > length(d)
>>> [1] 10000
>>> If it were my function, I would also get rid of the part that deals with
>>> the threshhold
>>> and direction of the inequality and tell the user to to use f(data <=
>>> 0.3) instead of
>>> f(data, .3, "below"). I would also make the spell length an argument
>>> instead of
>>> fixing it at 2. E.g.
>>> > f3 <- function (condition, spellLength = 2)
>>> {
>>> stopifnot(is.logical(condition), !anyNA(condition))
>>> y <- rle(condition)
>>> sum(y$lengths[y$values] >= spellLength)
>>> }
>>> > f3( d >= .3 )
>>> [1] 1492
>>> Bill Dunlap
>>> TIBCO Software
>>> wdunlap tibco.com
>>> On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Debasish Pai Mazumder <
>>> pai1981 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> Thanks for your help. It works. I have similar problem when I am
>>>> calculating number of spell.
>>>> I am also calculation spell (definition: period of two or more days
>>>> where x
>>>> exceeds 70) using similar way:
>>>> *new = apply(x,c(1,2,4),FUN=function(y) {fun.spell.deb(y, 70)})*
>>>> where fun.spell.deb.R:
>>>> *## Calculate spell durationfun.spell.deb <- function(data, threshold =
>>>> 1,
>>>> direction = c("above", "below")){ #coln <- grep(weather, names(data))#
>>>> var <- data[,8] if(missing(direction)) {direction <- "above"}
>>>> if(direction=="below") {b <- (data <= threshold)} else {b <- (data >=
>>>> threshold)} b[b==TRUE] = 1 y <-rle(b) ans
>>>> <-length(subset((y$lengths[y$values==1]), (y$lengths[y$values==1])>=2))
>>>> return(ans)}*
>>>> Do you have any idea how to make the "apply" faster here?
>>>> -Deb
>>>> On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Charles C. Berry <ccberry at ucsd.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > On Sat, 9 Jul 2016, Debasish Pai Mazumder wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > I have 4-dimension array x(lat,lon,time,var)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I am using "apply" to calculate over time
>>>> >> new = apply(x,c(1,2,4),FUN=function(y) {length(which(y>=70))})
>>>> >>
>>>> >> This is very slow. Is there anyway make it faster?
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> > If dim(x)[3] << prod(dim(x)[-3]),
>>>> >
>>>> > new <- Reduce("+",lapply(1:dim(x)[3],function(z) x[,,z,]>=70))
>>>> >
>>>> > will be faster.
>>>> >
>>>> > However, if you can follow Peter Langfelder's suggestion to use
>>>> rowSums,
>>>> > that would be best. Even using rowSums(aperm(x,c(1,2,4,3)>=70,dims=3)
>>>> and
>>>> > paying the price of aperm() might be better.
>>>> >
>>>> > Chuck
>>>> >
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