[R] turning data in list format into a matrix format

Marietta Suarez marietta0423 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 21:53:28 CEST 2016

As of now, I simulate 6 variables and manipulate 2 of them. The way my
syntax is written my final database is in list mode. I need all of it to be
in just 1 database. any help would be MUCH appreciated. Here's my syntax:

fun=function(n, k,rep){
  #prepare to store data
  data=matrix(0,nrow=10*k, ncol=6)
  db=vector("list",length=rep) #here's the problem

  for (j in 1:rep){
    for (i in 1:k){
      #generate data under normal, skewed, and logistic distributions here
      data[,4]<-rnorm(n, 100, 15)
      data[,5]<-rsnorm(n, 100, 15, 1)
      data[,6]<-rlogis(n, 100, 15)
  #DataReturn <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(DataReturn), nrow=rep,
byrow=T)) #here's
where I tried to solve it unsuccessfully

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