[R] Problems with data structure when using plsr() from package pls

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Thu Jan 14 05:16:27 CET 2016

Using I() in the data.frame seems ill-advised to me. You complain about 96 variables but from reading your explanation that seems to be what your data are. I have no idea whether it makes sense to NOT have 96 variables if that is what your data are. Note that a reproducible example supplied by you might help us guess better,  but it might just be that your expectations are wrong. 
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On January 13, 2016 11:02:25 AM PST, CG Pettersson <cg.pettersson at lantmannen.com> wrote:
>R version 3.2.3, W7 64bit.
>Dear all!
>I am trying to make pls-regression using plsr() from package pls, with
>Mevik & Wehrens (2007) as tutorial and the datasets from the package.
>Everything works real nice as long as I use the supplied datasets, but
>I don�t understand how to prepare my own data.
>This is what I have done:
>> frame1 <- data.frame(gushVM, I(n96))
>Where gushVM is a vector with fifteen reference analysis values of a
>quality problem in grain and n96 is a matrix with fifteen rows and 96
>columns from an electronic nose. I try to copy the methods as in 3.2 in
>Mevik & Wehrens, and want to keep n96 as one variable to avoid
>addressing 96 different variables in the plsr call. If I don�t use I()
>in the call I get 96 variables instead.
>Looking at the dataframe by summary(frame1) get a return quite like
>summary(gasoline) from the package (not shown here).
>But when I try to use plsr() with my own data it doesn�t work due to an
>error in the data structure:
>> pls1 <- plsr(gushVM ~ n96, data = frame1)
>Error in model.frame.default(formula = gushVM ~ n96, data = frame1) :
>  invalid type (list) for variable 'n96'
>So, n96 has turned into a list, and that is a problem. If gushVM is a
>vector (one variable) och a matrix (five variables) does not seem to
>change anything, managing n96 is the problem
>I have tried all alternative ways of creating a proper data frame
>suggested in the article with exactly the same result.
>I have tried the documentation for data.frame() but I probably don�t
>understand what it says.
>What should I do to change "n96" into something better than "list"?
>Med v�nlig h�lsning/Best regards
>CG Pettersson
>Scientific Project Manager, PhD
>Lantm�nnen Corporate R&D
>Phone:  +46 10 556 19 85
>Mobile: + 46 70 330 66 85
>cg.pettersson at lantmannen.com<mailto:cg.pettersson at lantmannen.com>
>Visiting Address: S:t G�ransgatan 160 A
>Address: Box 30192, SE-104 25 Stockholm
>Webb: http://www.lantmannen.com<http://www.lantmannen.com/>
>Registered Office: Stockholm
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