[R] Merging two data files based on common dates
Santosh.Aryal at csiro.au
Santosh.Aryal at csiro.au
Tue Jan 5 07:19:26 CET 2016
Hello there
Pardon my ignorance but, I have two data files with different series of dates and x and y values.
There are common dates in both files. For example
date1 xval
31/12/1982 20
1/01/1983 30
2/01/1983 40
3/01/1983 50
4/01/1983 60
5/01/1983 70
01/01/2010 77
31/12/1012 99
date2 yval
3/01/1983 0.4
4/01/1983 0.5
5/01/1983 0.6
01/01/2010 88
All I want is a file/object that merges the two files with data for common dates to look like this.
date yval xval
3/01/1983 0.4 50
4/01/1983 0.5 60
5/01/1983 0.6 70
01/01/2010 88 77
I tried ' merge' and ' join' commands but somehow I have not been able to get that. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards
Santosh Aryal
CSIRO Land and Water
GPO Box 1666, Canberra ACT 2601
Ph: 02 6246 5963
Email: santosh.aryal at csiro.au<mailto:santosh.aryal at csiro.au>
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