[R] getDLLRegisteredRoutines

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 16:24:38 CET 2016

On 25/02/2016 9:42 AM, MAURICE Jean - externe wrote:
> Hi,
> I have built a DLL with some routines using Intel's FORTRAN. I can use the routines within a R script.
> I would like to have the list of all the routines in the DLL. I found getDLLRegisteredRoutines but it answers data frame with 0 column and 0 lines.
> What is wrong ?

You didn't register them.  See section 5.4 in Writing R Extensions for 
details on how to do that.

R doesn't have a function to list all exports from a DLL.  There are 
various external tools to do that.  "pedump.exe" and "nm.exe" are 
included in the Rtools  collection.  (I usually use pedump; I forget 
whether nm works on .dll files, or only .so files.)

Duncan Murdoch

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