[R] does save.image() also save the random state?

Jinsong Zhao jszhao at yeah.net
Fri Feb 5 17:14:16 CET 2016

Dear there,

Here is a snipped code,

 > rm(list = ls())
 > x <- 123
 > save.image("abc.RData")
 > rm(list = ls())
 > load("abc.RData")
 > sample(10)
  [1]  3  7  4  6 10  2  5  9  8  1
 > rm(list = ls())
 > load("abc.RData")
 > sample(10)
  [1]  3  7  4  6 10  2  5  9  8  1

you will see that, after loading a abc.RData file that is saved by 
save.image(), sample(10) gives the same results. I am wondering whether 
it's designed purposely. And if it is, how can I get a different results 
of sample(10) every time after loading the saved image?

Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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