[R] Error using nlme; Malformed factors
Wong Yoke Yong
yokeyong.wong at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 03:24:10 CET 2016
HI all,
I am using the nlme package to learn multilevel models, and following
examples from the textbook "Discovering Statistics Using R" when it
[Mixed Models Code][1]
The data set is Honeymoon Period.dat, also downloadable under their
companion website.
[Data Set - Multilevel Models][2]
satisfactionData = read.delim("Honeymoon Period.dat", header = TRUE)
restructuredData<-melt(satisfactionData, id = c("Person", "Gender"),
measured = c("Satisfaction_Base", "Satisfaction_6_Months",
"Satisfaction_12_Months", "Satisfaction_18_Months"))
names(restructuredData)<-c("Person", "Gender", "Time",
intercept <-gls(Life_Satisfaction~1, data = restructuredData, method =
"ML", na.action = na.exclude)
randomIntercept <-lme(Life_Satisfaction ~1, data = restructuredData,
random = ~1|Person, method = "ML", na.action = na.exclude, control =
anova(intercept, randomIntercept)
timeRI<-update(randomIntercept, .~. + Time)
timeRS<-update(timeRI, random = ~Time|Person)
ARModel<-update(timeRS, correlation = corAR1(0, form = ~Time|Person))
The error occured at this moment, when I am trying to update "timeRS"
model. The error is as follows:
Error in as.character.factor(X[[i]], ...) : malformed factor
Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
[2]: https://studysites.uk.sagepub.com/dsur/study/articles.htm
Yoke Yong
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