[R] Appending Data to a .csv File

ruipbarradas at sapo.pt ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
Thu Aug 11 20:29:02 CEST 2016


Have you tried ?write.table?
write.csv is a wrapper for write.table with the appropriate settings  
such as sep = ",", etc.
 From the help page for write.csv:

"These wrappers are deliberately inflexible: they are designed to  
ensure that the correct conventions are used to write a valid file.  
Attempts to change append, col.names, sep, dec or qmethod are ignored,  
with a warning. "

So you must use write.table, with a call for file A, with col.names  
set to TRUE, then subsequent calls with col.names = FALSE.

Read the help page carefully, and try the different options.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Quoting Mihai.Mirauta at bafin.de:

> Hallo,
> For the moment I have a relatively large number of portfolios of  
> different companies (say, company A with portfolios 1 to 10, company  
> B with portfolio1 1 to 15 and so on to company Z with Portfolios 1  
> to 5). What I am doing, is loading these simulations out of csv   
> (relatively large amount of data) for each of the company and  
> calculating the quantiles, for example. I write the data for company  
> A (say write.csv(quantiles, “Quantiles.csv”).
> Now I want to write the quantile results for company B into the same  
> file, adding thus to the data for company A. I have tried to use  
> write.csv(quantilesB, “Quantiles.csv”, append=TRUE) but I receive  
> the error   “Versuch ignoriert 'append' zu setzen” – it seems to  
> ignore the append. It is not so important to me if that is a csv  
> data or an RData format, as long as I can run the program for  
> company A, put the results for A in file “Quantiles”, than run the  
> program for B, add the results for B in the file and so on for  
> company C, D etc.
> Thank you for your help,
> Mihai
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