[R] foreach {parallel} nested with for loop to update data.frame column
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
Alexander.Herr at csiro.au
Fri Aug 5 01:29:01 CEST 2016
Yes that would work, also an aggregate with merge can work, but I really would like to make this a parallel calculation with farming out the first loop to different workers and put the output together again into the data.frame with additional columns. This will speed up work with very large files and avoid running out of memory issues
I may be completely wrong but isn't it work for ave? With your example I get
> fac<-interaction(xyz[,1], xyz[,2], drop=TRUE)
> xyz[,4]<-ave(xyz$z, fac, FUN= min)
> head(xyz)
x y z mins
1 13 15 1.97 -2.91
2 17 9 14.90 -2.81
3 9 10 34.68 -1.97
4 17 6 4.26 -2.63
5 3 12 0.12 0.12
6 19 11 7.91 7.91
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
> [hidden email]
> Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 3:32 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [R] foreach {parallel} nested with for loop to update data.frame
> column
> Hi List,
> Trying to update a data.frame column within a foreach nested for loop
> ### trial data
> set.seed(666)
> xyz<-as.data.frame(cbind(x=rep(rpois(5000,10),2)+1,
> y=rep(rpois(5000,10),2)+1,z=round(runif(10000, min=-3, max=40),2)))
> xyz$mins<-rep(NA, nrow(xyz))
> cl<-makeCluster(16) #adjust to your cluster number
> registerDoParallel(cl)
> counter=0
> foreach(i=unique(xyz[,1]), .combine=data.frame, .verbose=T) %dopar% {
> for( j in unique(xyz[,2])) {
> xyz[xyz[,2] == j ,4]<-min(xyz[xyz[,2] == j ,2])
> }
> }
> stopCluster(cl)
> This is obviously not working. Any hints?
> Thanx
> Herry
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