[R] tcltk: click and return table cell index

Dalthorp, Daniel ddalthorp at usgs.gov
Fri Apr 29 19:42:07 CEST 2016

I'm struggling mightily with what should be a simple task...when a user
clicks on a cell in a tcltk table widget, I need to know which cell was

One idea that gives a cryptic error:
tkbind(table1, "<Button-1>", function(x, y){
  tcl(table1, "index", x, y)

# x, y give pixel coordinates; "index" should give cell coordinates, but
format must be correct

I get an error message:

wrong # args: should be ".25.1 index <index> ?row|col?".

To which I respond, "Yes, I know I have the format wrong, but how can I
make sense of THAT?"

Does anyone know a simple fix?

Much appreciated!


Dan Dalthorp, PhD
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
Forest Sciences Lab, Rm 189
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
ph: 541-750-0953
ddalthorp at usgs.gov

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