[R] dynamic reports with sweave: error when compiling the tex-file

paladini at trustindata.de paladini at trustindata.de
Thu Apr 7 13:32:29 CEST 2016

I took my first steps in dynamic reports with Gnu R and used sweave().  
I therefore run Sweave() with an example of Friedrich Leisch, starting  
like this:

\ documentclass [ a4paper ]{ article }
\ title { Sweave Example 1}
\ author { Friedrich Leisch }
\ begin { document }
\ maketitle
and so on.

It worked very well but when I tried to compile the latex file I get  
this error message: ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}."

But clearly there is a "begin{document}"

I looked for a clue searching the internet and read that maybe my  
editor writes invisible signs, so called boms, so that "\begin  
{document} " is not really at the beginninng but these boms.

Unfortunatly I have not the faintest how to solve the problem.

(I am using GNU R 3.01 and windows10 and installed MiKTex.)

It would be really nice if someone could help me!

Best  regards and thanking you in anticipation.


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