[R] removing outlier

Juli Julianeleuschner at web.de
Sat Sep 12 11:32:39 CEST 2015

Hi Jim, 

thank you for your help. :)

My point is, that there are outlier and I don´t really know how to deal with

I need the dataframe for a regression and read often that only a few outlier
can change your results very much. In addition, regression diacnostics
didn´t indcate me the best results.
Yes, and I know its not the core of statistics to work in a way you get
results you would like to have ;).

So what is your suggestion?

And if I remove the outliers, my problem ist, that as you said, they differ
in length. I need the data frame for a regression, so can I remove the whole
column or is there a call to exclude the data?


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