[R] Update dataframe based on some conditions
Jorge I Velez
jorgeivanvelez at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 22:07:17 CEST 2015
Dear R-help,
I am working on what it seems to be a simple problem, but after several
hours trying to come up with a solution, unfortunately I have not been able
I would like to go from "datain" to "dataout", that is, create the NEWREF
variable according with some restrictions, and update the values for the
remaining variables in the original data set (which is way more bigger than
this example). The problem can be described as having products (coded as
REF) in stock. Here, the total nomber of units in stock are named TOENDREF
and those required for the customer are given by TIMEREF. The idea is to
use as many units of the previous REF as possible before using a new REF.
## input
datain <- structure(list(REF = c("999", "999", "999", "1099", "731", "731",
"731", "731", "1442", "1442", "1442", "1442"), TIMEREF = c(120,
240, 360, 30, 30, 60, 90, 120, 30, 60, 90, 120), TOENDREF = c(390,
270, 150, 480, 480, 450, 420, 390, 480, 450, 420, 390)), .Names = c("REF",
"TIMEREF", "TOENDREF"), row.names = c(NA, 12L), class = "data.frame")
## output
dataout <- structure(list(REF = c(999L, 999L, 999L, 1099L, 731L, 731L,
731L, 1442L, 1442L, 1442L, 1442L), TIMEREF = c(120L, 240L, 360L,
30L, 30L, 60L, 90L, 120L, 30L, 60L, 90L, 120L), TOENDREF = c(390L,
270L, 150L, 120L, 90L, 30L, 420L, 300L, 270L, 210L, 120L, 0L),
NEWREF = c(999L, 999L, 999L, 999L, 999L, 999L, 731L, 731L,
731L, 731L, 731L, 731L)), .Names = c("REF", "TIMEREF", "TOENDREF",
"NEWREF"), row.names = c(NA, 12L), class = "data.frame")
I what follows I will try to explain what I want to accomplish:
* Example 1
Take rows 3 and 4 of "datain"
#3 999 360 150
#4 1099 30 480
As 150 units of REF 999 are available, we could substitute the 30 units of
REF 1099 with them. Hence, the 4th row of the _updated_ "datain" becomes
#3 999 360 150 999
#4 1099 30 120 999
* Example 2
Now, let's take rows 3 to 8 of the _updated_ "datain":
#3 999 360 150
#4 999 30 120
#5 731 30 480
#6 731 60 450
#7 731 90 420
#8 731 120 390
In row 4, there 120 units available to be used. The number of units
required of REF 731 is 30, which can be easily covered by the remaining 120
units of REF 999. By doing so, the remaining units of REF 999 would then be
90. Hence, the newly _updated_ "datain" becomes
#3 999 360 150
#4 999 30 120
#5 999 30 90
#6 999 60 30
#7 731 90 420
#8 731 120 300
Finally, the updated "datain" file after processing the remaining REF would
#9 731 30 270
#10 731 60 210
#11 731 90 120
#12 731 120 0
Hopefully I have explained well what I would like to end up with. If this
is not the case, I will be more than happy to provide more information.
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Jorge Velez.-
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