[R] quantile regression: warning message

T.Riedle tr206 at kent.ac.uk
Tue Oct 13 21:55:39 CEST 2015

Greetings R Community,
I am trying to run a quantile regression using the quantreg package. My code looks as follows:
RegressionUtilitiesUK<-rq(ReturnUtilities~yield.spread.change+ReturnFTSE, tau=0.01,data=State_variables_UK_calm)

Unfortunately, the summary() function returns the results but also following warning message:
Warning message:
In rq.fit.br(x, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique

My question now is if I should worry about the results. Are my results correct and how can I avoid this message? I do not understand the message.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

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