[R] read Epidata level labels from R

maicel maicel at infomed.sld.cu
Sat Oct 3 17:25:30 CEST 2015

Hello List, 
I need import data from Epidata version 3.1 to R data frame.  My problem is
that I need to import the level labels of from categorical variables to
factors. Epidata has two files, .red and .chk. I read on a post that the
best choice was to export them to .dta in epidat, and them to read the data
from R. I've used the functions stata.get from the library Hmisc,
read_statafrom library haven and read.dta from library foreign. Two of this
functions allow me to import the labels of the dataframe variables, not the
level labels of the factors I would like to get. How can I do it?
 Thanks for your help. Best regards,

Maicel Monzon ,MD
National Center of Clinical Trials
Havana, Cuba

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