[R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

Giorgio Garziano giorgio.garziano at ericsson.com
Thu Oct 1 14:15:29 CEST 2015

The “4096” was just an example.



Furthermore, to overcome memory size limits vs. in memory R data management beyond your 4Gb,
you may explore package “ff”.



From: Maram SAlem [mailto:marammagdysalem at gmail.com]
Sent: giovedì 1 ottobre 2015 14:12
To: Giorgio Garziano
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

Thanks a lot Giorgio, I used


but got

 don't be silly!: your machine has a 4Gb address limit

I'm working on my Ph.D. thesis and I have a huge code of which this is just a very small part, so does this error mean that I need a new computer with extended capabilites to be able to execute my code?? I'm currently using intel core i3, windows 7

Thanks for helping.


On 1 October 2015 at 13:37, Giorgio Garziano <giorgio.garziano at ericsson.com<mailto:giorgio.garziano at ericsson.com>> wrote:
Check your memory size by:


try to increase it by:


From: Maram SAlem [mailto:marammagdysalem at gmail.com<mailto:marammagdysalem at gmail.com>]
Sent: giovedì 1 ottobre 2015 13:22
To: Giorgio Garziano
Cc: r-help at r-project.org<mailto:r-help at r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R] (subscript) logical subscript too long

Thanks Giorgio, I got it.

 I managed to reach the matrix s whose rows represent  all the possible combinations. Here is the code:

> n=12
> m=7
> D<-matrix(0,nrow=n-m+1,ncol=m-1)
> for (i in 1:m-1)
+  {
+ D[,i]<-seq(0,n-m,1)
+  }
> ED <- do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(D))
> ED<-as.matrix(ED)
> lk<-which(rowSums(ED)<=(n-m))
> s<-ED[lk,]

The problem now is that the code works only for relatively small values of n and m, but when I use, for ex., n=20 and m=9, I got this error

> n=20
> m=9
> D<-matrix(0,nrow=n-m+1,ncol=m-1)
> for (i in 1:m-1)
+  {
+ D[,i]<-seq(0,n-m,1)
+  }
> ED <- do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(D))

Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.6 Gb

Any Suggestions please?

Thanks Again.

On 30 September 2015 at 17:41, Giorgio Garziano <giorgio.garziano at ericsson.com<mailto:giorgio.garziano at ericsson.com>> wrote:

log <- (rowSums(ED) <= (n - m))

Compare the following two values:





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