[R] Deparse substitute assign with list elements

soeren.vogel at posteo.ch soeren.vogel at posteo.ch
Thu May 14 20:28:27 CEST 2015


When I use function `foo` with list elements (example 2), it defines a new object named `b[[1]]`, which is not what I want.  How can I change the function code to show the desired behaviour for all data structures passed to the function?  Or is there a more appropriate way to sort of "pass by references" in a function?


bar <- function(x) {
	return( x + 3 )

foo <- function(x, value) {
	nm <- deparse(substitute(x))
	tmp <- bar( value )
	assign(nm, tmp, parent.frame())

# 1)
a <- NA
foo(a, 4)
a # 7, fine :-)

# 2)
b <- list(NA, NA)
foo(b[[1]], 4) # the first list item should be 7
b # wanted 7 but still list with two NAs :-(

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