[R] lmom and lmomRFA Upper and Lower Bounds Simulation Questions
Douglas Hultstrand
dhultstrand at appliedweatherassociates.com
Mon May 11 06:01:27 CEST 2015
I am using the lmom and lmomRFA to compute the return frequencies using
the GEV distribution.Iam trying to generate upper and lower bound
frequency estimates.
I provided a working example of the code that I am using to estimate the
upper and lower bounds. Specific questions I have are:
1) Is the methodology appropriate and applied correctly?
2) In this example, are the simulated qhat values better than the actual
fitted data estimates (GEV)?
_*Code Example Below:*_
library(lmom); library(lmomRFA)
# Example data
max_data <-
moments = samlmu(max_data, sort.data = TRUE)
parGEV <- pelgev(moments) # GEV
x <- c(10,25,50,100,500,1000)
Fx <- (1-(1/x))
GEV = Fx
PDS <- 1/(log(x)-log(x-1))
for (i in seq_along(Fx)) {
GEV[i] = round(quagev(Fx[i], parGEV), 3)
#### BOUNDS ###
# A data sample
zz_gev <- quagev(runif(500), parGEV)
# Compute L-moments of the sample, considered as a 1-site region
rdat_gev <- regsamlmu(zz_gev)
# Fit GEV distribution to the regional L-moments
rfit_gev <- regfit(rdat_gev,"gev")
# Generate simulations of an artificial 1-site region with frequency
distribution fitted to the actual data
sim_gev <- regsimq(rfit_gev$qfunc, nrec = rdat_gev$n, f = 1 - 1 / x )
# Compute error bounds for quantiles of the site's frequency distribution
CI_gev <- sitequantbounds(sim_gev, rfit_gev)
# 90% Error Bounds/CI
Clwr <- round(CI_gev$bound.0.05, 3)
Cupr <- round(CI_gev$bound.0.95, 3)
qhat <- round(CI_gev$Qhat, 3)
# print data
data.frame(Fx, GEV, Clwr, Cupr, qhat)
#### END BOUNDS ##
#Plot and visualize the data
plot(x, GEV, log="x", ylim=c(10.5,12.5), col="blue")
lines(PDS,GEV, col="blue")
lines(PDS,Clwr, lty=3)
lines(PDS,Cupr, lty=3)
lines(PDS,qhat, col="red", lty=5)
Thanks for your help,
Douglas M. Hultstrand, MS
Senior Hydrometeorologist
Applied Weather Associates
Monument, Colorado
voice: 970-682-2462
mobile: 720-771-5840
dhultstrand at appliedweatherassociates.com
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