[R] Sort data and symbol change in Jitter plot (ggplot2)
Luis Fernando García
luysgarcia at gmail.com
Tue May 5 09:34:10 CEST 2015
Dear R experts,
First than all I want to thank your expertise and for sharing your
knowledge with the people who are starting.
Recently I have been working on a new plot style (Jitterplot) but have
still some issues when making two basic functions.
First than all I want to change the symbol according to the prey type
(presa) and not the color, I tried making, geom_dotplot(aes(fill = PRESA)
but it did not work
On a second hand I want to sort the plots from the highest to the lowest
value, I tried by using reorder, but it did not work.
Please find attached the dataset and the script.
Thanks in advance!
the dataset is attached
ggplot( data = p, aes(y = Tiempo, x = PRESA, reorder(PRESA, Tiempo, mean)))
+ # Move y and x here so than they can be used in stat_*
geom_dotplot(aes(shape = PRESA),
binaxis = "y", # which axis to bin along
binwidth = 0.1, # Minimal difference considered
stackdir = "center" # Centered
) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, fun.ymin = mean, fun.ymax = mean,
geom = "crossbar", width = 0.5)
-------------- next part --------------
Ara�a PRESA TAMA�O Tiempo
Ara1 L.lepi peque�o 255506
Ara2 L.passa grande 439724
Ara3 L.cicin peque�o 408377
Ara3 L.passa grande 268235
Ara3 L.passa peque�o 419578
Ara3 L.rute peque�o 427730
Ara3 L.lepi grande 351840
Ara4 L.cicin peque�o 548918
Ara4 L.passa peque�o 438361
Ara4 L.rute grande 903518
Ara4 L.rute peque�o 359928
Ara4 L.lepi grande 332754
Ara4 L.lepi peque�o 267759
Ara6 L.rute peque�o 227514
Ara7 L.cicin peque�o 494398
Ara7 L.passa grande 218080
Ara7 L.rute grande 485121
Ara7 L.rute peque�o 498692
Ara7 L.lepi grande 248303
Ara7 L.lepi peque�o 101027
Ara8 L.lepi grande 320952
Ara9 L.cicin grande 334014
Ara9 L.cicin peque�o 232391
Ara9 L.passa peque�o 447254
Ara9 L.rute grande 533385
Ara9 L.rute peque�o 864524
Ara9 L.lepi grande 282418
Ara9 L.lepi peque�o 169500
Ara10 L.cicin grande 476236
Ara10 L.cicin peque�o 377899
Ara10 L.rute peque�o 426247
Ara11 L.passa grande 286441
Ara11 L.rute peque�o 544675
Ara11 L.lepi grande 397056
Ara12 L.passa grande 217148
Ara12 L.rute grande 438068
Ara12 L.lepi grande 389474
Ara14 L.cicin grande 513290
Ara14 L.passa grande 356091
Ara15 L.cicin peque�o 511906
Ara16 L.cicin peque�o 790962
Ara16 L.passa grande 507399
Ara16 L.rute peque�o 298853
Ara17 L.cicin grande 468640
Ara17 L.rute peque�o 392512
Ara18 L.rute peque�o 473115
Ara19 L.cicin grande 578176
Ara19 L.cicin peque�o 479934
Ara19 L.passa peque�o 319707
Ara19 L.rute grande 347096
Ara21 L.cicin grande 546950
Ara23 L.cicin grande 371814
Ara23 L.passa grande 287769
Ara23 L.passa peque�o 281093
Ara23 L.rute grande 429621
Ara23 L.lepi grande 208509
Ara24 L.cicin grande 393763
Ara25 L.cicin grande 469052
Ara25 L.lepi grande 410563
Ara25 L.lepi peque�o 439584
Ara26 L.cicin peque�o 485701
Ara26 L.rute grande 391971
Ara27 L.cicin grande 491197
Ara28 L.passa peque�o 308984
Ara29 L.lepi peque�o 472830
Ara30 L.passa peque�o 249036
Ara31 L.passa grande 217148
Ara31 L.passa peque�o 212454
Ara31 L.lepi peque�o 234619
Ara32 L.passa peque�o 230255
Ara32 L.lepi peque�o 297512
Ara34 L.rute grande 352213
Ara34 L.passa peque�o 191547
Ara34 L.lepi peque�o 201616
Ara36 L.lepi grande 411587
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