[R] help with RODBC
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Thu Mar 5 03:23:07 CET 2015
Why do you have single quotes inside your single quotes?
Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live...
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On March 4, 2015 5:46:23 PM PST, Alemu Tadesse <alemu.tadesse at gmail.com> wrote:
>I want to apply the following query to my database.
>P2<-sqlQuery(ch1,'select *,
> TimeStamp_Local,
> ref_density,
> ref_dewpoint,
> ref_dir,
> ref_precip,
> ref_press,
> ref_rh,
> ref_snowfall,
> ref_snowdepth,
> ref_temperature_avg,
> ref_temperature_max,
> ref_temperature_min,
> ref_ws_avg,
> ref_ws_max,
> ref_wetbulb
> FROM ASOS.dbo.DailyData DD
> left outer join ASOS.dbo.ASOS_MetaData MD on MD.WBAN = DD.WBAN
>where CallSign = 'BOS' order by TimeStamp_Local ASC')
>where ch1 <- odbcConnect(dsn="SQLBI01", uid="DataPull", pwd="PullData")
>in R (RODBC). I am running into the following error
>Error: unexpected symbol in:
>" left outer join ASOS.dbo.ASOS_MetaData MD on MD.WBAN = DD.WBAN,
>where CallSign = 'BOS"
>I don't know why
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