[R] Adding colorbar to polygon plot

bryar kadir bryar-ahmed at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Jun 29 17:15:40 CEST 2015

Sorry the code is suppose to look as follows:

## Get circle points
circs <- function(radii, sectors=4) {
  radii <- sort(radii)
  rads <- seq(0, 2*pi, length=2*length(radii)*sectors)      # sample at these radians
  do.call(rbind, lapply(radii, function(r)                   # points for drawing circles
    data.frame(X=r*cos(rads), Y=r*sin(rads), 
               sector=rep(1:sectors, each=length(rads)/sectors),
               theta=rads, radius=r)))

## Draw figure
drawCirc <- function(radii, sectors, hues=NULL, densities=NULL, ...) {
  polys <- circs(radii, sectors)
  if (missing(hues)) {
    colors <- colorRampPalette(c("green","yellow","red","blue"))(sectors*length(radii))
    } else 
    colors <- heat.colors(n=sectors*length(radii),alpha=hues)
  plot(polys[,1:2], type="n" ,...)     # blank plot
  for (i in seq_along(radii))  {  # add polygons
    for (j in 1:sectors) {
      ind <- ind+1
      color <- colors[ind]
           if (i == 1) {
             polygon(x=c(0, X[radius==radii[i]], 0), y=c(0, Y[radius==radii[i]], 0), 
                     col=color, density=densities[ind])
           } else
             polygon(x=c(X[radius==radii[i-1]], rev(X[radius==radii[i]])),
                     y=c(Y[radius==radii[i-1]], rev(Y[radius==radii[i]])), 
                     col=color, density=densities[ind]))
  vertical.image.legend(col=cols, zlim=range(c(1,0)))

drawCirc(radii=1:50, sectors=24, main="Ratio by Colors")

Please note, that the hues allows for the transparency to take into account the values of the sectors but i want the colours to be fully opaque not transparent. As this causes issues with the colorbar on the right hand side. 

Thank you in advance for any suggestion. 
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