[R] extracting significant response variables

Bert Gunter bgunter.4567 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 15:57:59 CEST 2015

Offtopic. This list is about R programming. Post to a statistics list
like stats.stackexchange.com instead. Better yet, find a local expert
to help you. What you describe sounds confused and likely to produce
nonsense to me. You may not even have the information needed to answer
the question you asked.

Bert Gunter

"Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge
is certainly not wisdom."
   -- Clifford Stoll

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:09 PM, adeela uaf <adeela.uaf at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My experiment consist of factorial structure with 25 genotypes and 3
> salinity levels ( 25 cross 3) each with 3 replications.  14 responses were
> taken from the experiment and I applied MANOVA but I am applying
> discriminant analysis to know which response variable has significant
> impact on the separation of groups. I am doing the following:
> MANOVA<-manova(cbind(RL,SL,RFW,SFW,RDW,SDW,R.S..DW.,LA,NL,Na,K,Ca)~geneotype*S.Level,data=data)
> For discriminant analysis, I made a group of 1 genotype with one level of
> Salinity level hence a total of 75 groups.
> group<-paste("g", gl(75,3,length=225))
> LDA<-lda(group~RL+SL+RFW+SFW+RDW+SDW+R.S..DW.+LA+NL+Na+K+Ca+K.Na+Ca.Na,data=Sdata)
> Is it appropriate way? Moreover when I am plotting discriminant scores
> means with the circle of radius r=z/sqrt(replication) but the graph doesn't
> make any sense as the circles are too small too see.
> Thanks,
> Adeela
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