[R] Returning the coefficient parameters from JRI

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Wed Jun 24 09:22:14 CEST 2015

I don't use JRI, but the data seem to be there. If you are looking for the row names, try ?rownames.
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On June 23, 2015 10:15:54 PM PDT, akashdeep <akashdeep.hk at iqss.co.in> wrote:
>I am trying to  run R summary command through JRI to get the result for
>mulitvariate Linear Regression
>eg. result <- lm(Performance Score ~ Department+Grade,data =
>      summary(result)
>on running the above cmd using in R Console will fetch me below result:
>lm(formula = Performace.Score ~ Department + Grade, data = tree)
>    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
>-1.0146 -0.8472  0.1206  0.1528  1.3193 
>                               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
>(Intercept)                    1.9085381  0.2063188   9.250   <2e-16
>DepartmentCentral Projects    -0.0618622  0.2086085  -0.297    0.767   
>DepartmentConsulting Services -0.0529854  0.2104055  -0.252    0.801   
>DepartmentDistribution        -0.2280968  0.2268197  -1.006    0.315   
>DepartmentExecutive            0.0896884  0.4008410   0.224    0.823   
>DepartmentFinance             -0.1366400  0.2503824  -0.546    0.585   
>DepartmentHR                  -0.2093362  0.2544092  -0.823    0.411   
>DepartmentIT                  -0.0301757  0.2236310  -0.135    0.893   
>DepartmentLocal Projects       0.1047488  0.2099865   0.499    0.618   
>DepartmentOperations           0.1009253  0.2078236   0.486    0.627   
>DepartmentR&D                 -0.0436125  0.2115470  -0.206    0.837   
>DepartmentSales               -0.1824861  0.2310936  -0.790    0.430   
>Grade                          0.0002534  0.0139614   0.018    0.986   
>Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>Residual standard error: 0.6768 on 1492 degrees of freedom
>Multiple R-squared:  0.0195,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.01161 
>F-statistic: 2.472 on 12 and 1492 DF,  p-value: 0.00335
>Now, When i try to run the same command through JRI and trying to get
>coefficients for same data ,will fetch below result :
>[REAL* (1.9085381360123104, -0.061862224682688656, -0.0529853865573166,
>-0.22809675152091768, 0.0896883836938513, -0.13664002290293625,
>-0.20933620214453777, -0.03017568582453441, 0.10474877352108226,
>0.10092534733241249, -0.04361245714602103, -0.1824861159548225,
>2.5335432769115444E-4, 0.20631884004542614, 0.20860854811530719,
>0.21040549853856627, 0.2268197334540003, 0.4008409534398062,
>0.25038238782600725, 0.2544092401777455, 0.22363101707542418,
>0.20998649433526015, 0.20782362789029826, 0.21154702570507078,
>0.23109359545008445, 0.013961381053987209, 9.250430719715656,
>-0.29654693080215805, -0.2518251040269494, -1.0056301012591409,
>0.22375054974845454, -0.5457253766502479, -0.8228325433395539,
>-0.13493515443055484, 0.49883576490325376, 0.48562980233261505,
>-0.20615963283182023, -0.7896632340650002, 0.018146795557793288,
>7.495625279329623E-20, 0.7668537059840453, 0.8012109343341197,
>0.31475660028966584, 0.8229820424275262, 0.5853363050818626,
>0.4107347156441347, 0.8926813449490922, 0.6179686247435434,
>0.6273009677306218, 0.8366943459235678, 0.42984994326833603,
>>From the above result what i get from JRI,will fetch me only
>values not the parameters like what we get in R Console(Departments
>list and
>Grade in this Case).
>So,my question is  how to get coefficient values along with parameters.
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