[R] help for lay person assisting R user with disability

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 18:39:39 CEST 2015

On 18/06/2015 11:32 AM, Courtney Bryant wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I am currently working with a disabled R user who is a student here at CMU.  The student has both sight and mobility issues.  The student has asked for an assistant who is well versed in R to enter data for her, which we are having a hard time finding.  I would like information from R developers/users about how/how well R interfaces with Excel (an easier skill set to find!)   In your opinion, could it be as easy as uploading data from excel into R?  
> Also, do you know of a way to enlarge the R interface or otherwise assist in making the program accessible to a low vision person?  My  limited understanding leads me to believe that screen magnifiers like zoom text don't work particularly well.  If you have information on that, I would very much appreciate it.  

There was an article not too long ago in the R Journal about this issue;
you can read it here:


I think the main R thing that has changed since then is the rise in the
prominence and maturity of RStudio.  At that time the author didn't find
it very easy to use, but it might be worth investigating again.

The author put together a web page


that you might find useful as well.

Duncan Murdoch

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