[R] Cross tabulation with top one variable and side as multiple variables

jagadishpchary p.jagadish at inrhythm-inc.com
Thu Jun 18 08:46:24 CEST 2015

I think my explanation in the post is not giving the full details on the job
to be done. Sorry for that. Here is what I am doing..

1.	I have a SPSS data set with more than 2000 variables. However for test
purpose I have created a temporary data set with 5 variables which I am
reading it to R environment (Attached the test.sav file).
2.	There is a variable called “TREND” which has the year data. So all I need
to do is cross tabulate the variables with this Trend variable. 
In SPSS the syntax would be


The final cross tabulation results are placed in the attached excel report
with sheet name “Results”.

As I am new to R  - I tried searching the forums for the cross tabulation
with top variable constant and multiple variables as side however I could
not find it. Anyhow I tried using the below syntax :

Xtabs ( ~ AGET +SEXT +EDUCRT +JOBRT + TREND, data=mydata)
summary(~AGET +SEXT +EDUCRT +JOBRT, data= mydata, fun=table)
ftable (mydata, row.vars=c("AGET ", " SEXT ", " EDUCRT " , “JOBRT”),

the results are not identical to what I am getting in SPSS

Hence I would request to suggest me a R code that helps me in getting the
results as shown in the attached excel report with sheet name “Results”.
Test.sav <http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4708799/Test.sav>  

View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Cross-tabulation-with-top-one-variable-and-side-as-multiple-variables-tp4708379p4708799.html
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