[R] mlogit error
mbarrowc at vt.edu
Tue Jun 16 20:50:19 CEST 2015
I am trying to run a mixed logit model (panel form) with the mlogit package.
I am running into the following error: "Error in random.nb[, sel, drop = F]
: subscript out of bounds".
I have searched the R Help forum (and online) and see no instances of this
error. Below is the coding that I used which follows along with
"Discrete-Choice Logit Models with R" by Philip A. Viton
My dataset consists of 244 individuals each answering 8 choices between 3
> clogit <- read.csv("/Users/name/Desktop/DCEinR/R365.csv")
> save(clogit,file="/Users/name/Desktop/DCEinR/clogit.rdata")
> load("/Users/name/Desktop/DCEinR/clogit.rdata")
> clogit$mode.ids<-factor(rep(1:3,244))
> clogit$mode.ids<-factor(rep(1:3, 244), labels=c("c1","c2","sq"))
> clogit$indivs<-factor(rep(1:244,each=24))
> CLOGIT<-mlogit.data(clogit,shape="long",
> choice="choice",alt.var="mode.ids", id.var="indivs")
> CLOGIT.mxl <- mlogit(Choice~-1+ASC+Price+Payment+Penalty+Length+Local|0,
> CLOGIT, rpar=c(ASC='n', Price='n', Payment='n', Penalty='n', Length='n',
> Local='n'), R=100, halton=NA, print.level=0, panel=TRUE)
Are there any suggestions on: 1) what does this error mean; and 2) how to
fix this issue?
Thanks in advance.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/mlogit-error-tp4708706.html
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