[R] search across a row for strings

Federman, Douglas Douglas.Federman at utoledo.edu
Mon Jun 15 22:12:50 CEST 2015

I'm trying to do the following: search each patient's list of diagnoses for a specific code then create a new column based upon the the presence of the specific code.  
Simplified data follows:

con <- textConnection("
1	4109	4280	7102
2	734	311	490
3	4011	42822	4101
df <- read.table(con, header = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE, colClasses="character")
# I would like to add a column such the result of searching for 410 would give:  The search string would always be at the start of a word and doesn't need regex.
# ID	DX1	DX2	DX3	htn
# 1	4109	4280	7102	1
# 2	734	311	490	0
# 3	4011	42822	4101	1
# The following  works but is slow and returns NA if the search string is not found:

for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    df[i,"htn"] <- any(sapply('410', function(x)  which( grepl(x, df[i, 2:4], fixed = TRUE) )))

Thanks in advance.  I never fail to learn new things from this list.

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Who is strong? One who overpowers his evil inclinations.
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Who is honorable? One who honors his fellows.
- Pirkei Avot [excerpt]

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