[R] Why does dredge() rank models differently for lmer() and MCMCglmm()?
itsme at CorinaLogan.com
Sat Jul 18 07:30:12 CEST 2015
I am running my full model (fm) through lmer() and MCMCglmm() using the
default settings:
model.lmer <- lmer(fm)
model.MCMCglmm <- MCMCglmm(fm)
And the summary outputs are almost exactly the same:
However, when I run the models through dredge():
It ranks the models very differently for lmer() and MCMCglmm() in the model
selection tables, even though I used the default settings for dredge() as
well (ranked by AICc). I would assume the difference is because lmer() uses
REML and MCMCglmm() uses Bayes Rule, however if this is the case then why
weren’t the summary outputs different as well?
I have checked through the documentation for all of the associated R
packages and searched the R forums and Google for the answer, but I haven’t
seen this question addressed. I would be grateful if someone could let me
know why this happens.
Thanks in advance!
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Why-does-dredge-rank-models-differently-for-lmer-and-MCMCglmm-tp4710020.html
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