[R] what constitutes a 'complete sentence'?

jwd jwd at surewest.net
Sun Jul 5 11:13:42 CEST 2015

On Fri, 3 Jul 2015 11:09:54 +0300
Federico Calboli <federico.calboli at helsinki.fi> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am upgrading a package for CRAN, and I get this note:
> checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
> Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete
> sentences.
> This is puzzling because:
> ...
> Description: Functions designed to test for single gene/phenotype
> association and for pleiotropy on genetic and genomic data. ...
> In my understanding "Functions designed to test for single
> gene/phenotype association and for pleiotropy on genetic and genomic
> data.” *is* a complete sentence.  So, what is complete sentence in
> the opinion of whomever coded that check?
> Best
> F

Well, no.  It isn't a complete sentence which requires a subject, and
object and a verb.  However, there are not many package Descriptions
that ARE complete sentences.  Some could be reworded awkwardly into a
functional sentence.  You could for instance try:

 "[Library/Package name] is a collection of functions designed to test
 for pleiotropy on genetic and genomic data."

That is a complete sentence as it contains a form of the
verb "to be," to whit "is."  By using the package name you also avoid
the stricture against "The package consists ..."


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