[R] add a list name into the list content in a new output

Shuhua Zhan szhan at uoguelph.ca
Mon Jan 19 21:14:47 CET 2015

Dear All,
I'd like to add a list name into the list contents to make a new output. The list is a list of data.frame derived from summary command in Rqtl. I want to add this list name to the data frame with a given column name such as "trait" and output this entire list as a table tab delimited as below.
Here is the list generated by summary command in Rqtl:
> summary(out.all, threshold=3, format="tabByCol")
         chr  pos ci.low ci.high  lod
c7.loc45   7 47.7  36.71    56.7 6.11
c15.loc8  15 12.0   3.96    22.8 5.29

          chr  pos ci.low ci.high  lod
c2.loc54    2 59.8   14.8    87.8 4.19
D15MIT184  15 22.8   12.0    36.0 3.15

          chr pos ci.low ci.high  lod
c15.loc16  15  20     11      30 6.75

          chr  pos ci.low ci.high  lod
c12.loc49  12 51.2   28.2    62.2 3.65

The new output I want:

trait locus  chr  pos ci.low ci.high  lod
bp c7.loc45   7 47.7  36.71    56.7 6.11
bp c15.loc8  15 12.0   3.96    22.8 5.29

trait locus  chr  pos ci.low ci.high  lod
hr c2.loc54    2 59.8   14.8    87.8 4.19
hr D15MIT184  15 22.8   12.0    36.0 3.15

trait locus chr pos ci.low ci.high  lod
bw c15.loc16  15  20     11      30 6.75

heart_wt locus chr  pos ci.low ci.high  lod
trait c12.loc49  12 51.2   28.2    62.2 3.65

I appreciate for your help for any suggestions!!

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