[R] extra arguments in do.call applied to a list of dataframes

Remi Genevest rgenevest at free.fr
Sat Jan 17 17:37:02 CET 2015


I have a list of dataframes with different number of rows and I want to bind
columns by rownames and put some NAs where rownames do not match.

I was thinking about doing something like this :


but I get the following error message :

/Erreur dans fix.by(by.x, x) : 
  'by' doit spécifier lune ou plusieurs colonnes comme des entiers, des noms
ou des valeurs logiques

Have you any ideas to fix it?

Thing is that it works fine when I try with a list of 2 dataframes, but goes
wrong with 3 and more dataframes. (see examples below)

## works well with 2 dataframes :

   Row.names y.x y.y
1          1   1   1
2         10  10  NA
3          2   2   2
4          3   3   3
5          4   4   4
6          5   5   5
7          6   6  NA
8          7   7  NA
9          8   8  NA
10         9   9  NA

## fails with 3 df :

/Erreur dans fix.by(by.x, x) : 
  'by' doit spécifier lune ou plusieurs colonnes comme des entiers, des noms
ou des valeurs logiques/

Thanks for help !!

View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/extra-arguments-in-do-call-applied-to-a-list-of-dataframes-tp4701915.html
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