[R] Probit regression with misclassified binary dependent variable

Jack john.doe.personalized at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 14:36:09 CET 2015

Is there a generalized linear mixed-effects model implementation for R that
could handle misclassified binary data? Unless I have overlooked something
in the documentation, glmer with family=binomial(link="probit") does not
handle misclassification. Closest to what I have found was misclass, which
implements Hausman et al. 1998, in an old McSpatial package version 1.1.1,
but it is no longer available and does not handle random effects.

Hausman, J. A., Abrevaya, J., & Scott-Morton, F. M. (1998).
Misclassification of the dependent variable in a discrete-response setting.
Journal of Econometrics, 87(2), 239-269.

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