[R] lmerTest - difflsmeans: LS means for Post-hoc analysis

Grigorios Georgolopoulos grigorios.georgolopoulos at ebc.uu.se
Thu Feb 26 23:21:50 CET 2015

Dear fellow R users,

I am trying to calculate the difference of the least square means from a 
lmer model which has a pretty much standard form of  Y ~ A*B + (1|C/D)

I am using the difflsmeans command from the lmerTest package but it 
returns the following error line:

Error in as.data.frame.default(VarCorr(model)) :
   cannot coerce class ""VarCorr.merMod"" to a data.frame

I also tried to do it manually but apparently to no avail.

I am using the lme4 v. 1.0-6 package on Linux  (if that helps).

Any suggestions how to override this?

Thanks in advance!

Grigorios Georgolopoulos
Research Assistant
Animal Ecology
Department of Ecology and Genetics (IEG)
Evolutionary Biology Centre (EBC)
Uppsala University
Norbyvägen 18d, SE-752 36
Uppsala, Sweden
Email: georgolopoulosggreg at hotmail.com, grigorios.georgolopoulos at ebc.uu.se

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