[R] aggregating variables (sum within groups)

David Studer studerov at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 13:02:49 CET 2015

Hello everybody!

I have a (probabely very easy) problem. Even though I was looking in
several r-books
I could not find a suitable function to this problem, that's why I hope
that someone here
could help me:

# Sample data:
testdata<-data.frame(group, var1, var2)

Now, I'd like to generate two aggregated variables:

testdata$x<- ???   should count the sum of var1 within each group (=4)
testdata$y<- ???   should count the sum of var2 within each group (=3)

Therefore I am looking for a function like ave() which does not calculate
the mean value but a sum.

Thank you for any hints!


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