[R] Error with using windRose function from the open air package

Alexandra Catena amc5981 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 20:13:20 CET 2015

Hello All,

I have a data frame called windSFO of four columns, wind speed, wind
direction, station number, and date (yyyymmdd).  I downloaded the gz
data from a site online and then unzipped it using readLines. I then
concatenated these four columns from the unzipped data into a
dataframe using cbind.

windSFO = data.frame(cbind(ws,wd,stn,yearSite))

Here are the first four rows as an example:

       ws  wd          stn       yearSite

1      36 290 724940-23234 20090101

2      77 280 724940-23234 20090101

3      72 290 724940-23234 20090101

4      46 290 724940-23234 20090101

I'm trying to make a wind rose using the windRose function but I keep
getting an error that I don't understand. I type in:


I then get the error:

Error in Summary.factor(c(27L, 35L, 34L, 29L, 28L, 25L, 25L, 24L, 24L,  :
  max not meaningful for factors
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In Ops.factor(mydata[[wd]], 10) : %% not meaningful for factors
2: In Ops.factor(mydata[[wd]], angle) : / not meaningful for factors

Can anyone tell me what this means/what I'm doing wrong?

Also, I have R version 3.1.1

Thank you!

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