[R] Averaging column scores when participants vary in number of observations

Chad Danyluck c.danyluck at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 21:32:49 CET 2015

I have a data set that includes the identity of a number of Video Coders
who scored participants' behaviors in a video. Every participant was scored
once, but some participants were randomly assigned to have their data
scored twice so I could calculate inter-rater reliabilities. I have
completed the reliability analyses and want to use the average score for
participants who had their behavior coded twice. I'd like to create a 'for
loop' or function that allows me to calculate these column means
iteratively because the number of observations is quite large (*N* =
168). Given the organization of the data, with some participants on
multiple rows, I am not sure how to proceed.

The original data looks something like this:

                        Participant ID Video Coder Score
Observation A                  1            Donald       4
Observation B                  1              Tracy       5
Observation C                  2            Donald       6
Observation D                  3                Sam       2
Observation E                  3              Tracy       3
Observation F                  4            Donald       2
Observation G                  4              Tracy       1
Observation H                  5               Sam       8

When the data processing is completed, I would like the new data set to
look like this:

Participant ID   Score
                 1          4.5
                 2            6
                 3          2.5
                 4          1.5
                 5            8

Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

Chad M. Danyluck, MA
PhD Candidate, Psychology
University of Toronto

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” - William

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