[R] help in anova

S Ellison S.Ellison at LGCGroup.com
Thu Feb 12 15:02:03 CET 2015

> R-ouput
>                                       Df      Sum Sq    Mean Sq    F value Pr(>F)
> treatment                    3        14015      4672          65.021 < 2e-16 ***
> variety                          3         5883       1961           27.295 2.95e-12 ***
> treatment:variety      9          5474       608             8.465 8.93e-09 ***
> soilgroup -missing
> treatment:variety:soilgroup - missing
> Here, I am missing value of soil group and interation of treatment: variety:
> soilgroup- Can any one please tell me why?

Do the lines 
> soilgroup -missing
> treatment:variety:soilgroup - missing
Actually appear in your output? If so, I have no idea.

But if the terms are simply absent, one possibility is that soilgroup is completely confounded with an earlier factor in the model and therefore unidentifiable. aov seems fairly tolerant of that in one sense - instead of throwing an error and stopping it tells you what it can identify and leaves out anything it can't.

S Ellison

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