[R] grofit issues with replicates - probit or logit or glmm

Marcelo Laia marcelolaia at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 03:57:46 CET 2015


I tried use grofit package in our data set. We provide a subset of our
data with X iso, and 4 doses, and insect died was count each day for
long 5 days. We started with Y insects per dishes. When one is dead, it
was counted and removed. Died insect is cumulative in the next days.
i.e. day 1 died 1. day 2 no died, so, day 2 is assigned 1 died (from day

Here is the script:


url.csv <- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34009642/cepajabo07_wide_acumulado.csv

data02 <- read.table(url.csv, header=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=",")


timepoints <- 1:5 # 5 days
time <- t(matrix(rep(timepoints, 120), c(5, 120))) # 5 days and 120 experiments
                                                   # (6 iso * 4 doses
                                                   # * 5 rep)


colData <- c("black", "cyan", "magenta", "blue")

plot(TestRun1$gcFit, opt = "s", colData = colData, colSpline = 1, 
     pch = 1:4, cex = 1)

plot(TestRun2$gcFit, opt = "s", colData = colData, colSpline = 1, 
     pch = 1:4, cex = 1)

plot(TestRun1$drFit$drFittedSplines[[1]], colData = colData, 
     pch = 1:4, cex = 1)

plot(TestRun2$drFit$drFittedSplines[[1]], colData = colData, 
     pch = 1:4, cex = 1)

The problem: grofit didn't deal with replicates and do a curve for each

Is it a way to get response curve with the replicates?

We are interested in LD50, and dose response curve, and graphs.

Any suggestion is very welcome!

Thank you!


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