[R] Unable to use `eval(parse(text))' in nlme::lme

Ravi Varadhan ravi.varadhan at jhu.edu
Mon Feb 9 15:44:34 CET 2015

Thanks to Rolf, Duncan, and Ben.

Ben, your suggestion worked (with a minor correction of concatenating the termlabels into a vector).

Here is the solution to those interested.

ff <- reformulate(termlabels=c("time","as.factor(gvhd)"), response=yname, intercept=TRUE)
dd <- subset(labdata2, Transplant_type!=0 & time >0)
lme(ff, random=~1|Patient, data=dd, correlation=corAR1(), na.action=na.omit)


Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D. (Biostatistics), Ph.D. (Environmental Engg)
Associate Professor
Department of Oncology
Division of Biostatistics & Bionformatics
Johns Hopkins University
550 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205

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