[R] [FORGED] Mixed Beta Disrubutions

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Dec 29 00:39:40 CET 2015

On 29/12/15 12:30, mesude bayrakci wrote:
> Thank you for your response. I saw already that example and some
> others too. However, they defined alpha and beta in the examples or
> use two different dataset. I did not know alpha and beta values and
> have only one data set.  I could calculate alpha and beta by using
> variance and means for the data has one peaks.
> How can I calculate alpha and beta for two peak distributions?

Given your level of obtuseness I think that the advancement of science 
would be best served if you were not encouraged to pursue this line of 
endeavour any further.

Be that as it may:  *NO*, "they" did not define alpha and beta in the
example (singular).  They *simulated* a data set using known values of 
alpha and beta, and then fitted a beta mixture model to the simulated 
data, obtaining fitted values of the alphas and betas that were 
satisfyingly close to the "true" values from which the data were simulated.


Rolf Turner

Technical Editor ANZJS
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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