[R] R-Help

Bello A rasheed arasheedbello at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 14 09:27:20 CET 2015

Dear R users 

Kindly help me on how run this code because there is error when ever i run it.
It give me an error at Error: lent >= 1 is not TRUE 
Error: object 'hubPsi' not found
Error in cbind(b = b, A = A, B = B, V = A/B^2, e = B^2/A, gamma. = b/B,  :   dims [product 3] do not match the length of object [21] Thank you in advance********************************************************
Hf0 <- function(x, c=1.35) pmax2(-c,pmin2(x,c))

Hf <- new("functionX",Hf0)

stopifnot(validObject(Hf)) # ok !


### psiFunc() examples## classical {trivial, notinteresting}:

F1 <- function(x) rep.int(1,length(x))

cPsi <- psiFunc(rho = function(x)x^2 / 2, psi = function(x) x,

                wgt = F1, Dpsi = F1,

                Erho = function(x) rep.int(1/2,length(x)),

                Epsi2 = F1, EDpsi = F1)

### MASS  -- ?rlm --- has


##-     psi.huber   (u, k = 1.345, deriv =0)

##-     psi.hampel  (u, a = 2, b = 4, c =8, deriv = 0)

##-     psi.bisquare(u, c = 4.685, deriv = 0)

##  where deriv = 0 :  psi(x)/xi.e.  'wgt'

## MM has more in psi-funs.R (seeabove)

## Reproduce Table 1, p.138 of Hampel,Rousseeuw, Ronchetti, Stahel (1986):
b <- c(seq(0, 3, by = 0.1), 4, 5,Inf)

A <- hubPsi at Epsi2(b)

B <- hubPsi at EDpsi(b)

options(width = 100, digits = 7)

cbind(b = b, A = A, B = B, V = A/B^2, e= B^2/A,

     gamma. = b/B, k. = 1 + b^2/A, lambda. = 1/B)

(hubPsi2 <- chgDefaults(hubPsi, k =2)) # works too!

 Bello Abdulkadir RasheedPh.D candidate ( mathematics/statistics)
Department of mathematical Science/ faculty of Science
University Technology Malaysia
81310 UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
IC. NO. 201204M10026
Matric No. PS113124
HP. No.  0060149144837E-mail: arasheedbello at yahoo.com
supervisor- Assoc. Prof. Robiah Binti Adnan
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