[R] choropleth packages (US)

Benjamin Tyner btyner at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 01:22:13 CET 2015

Very nice Adrian. Is there a straightforward way to add Alaska and 
Hawaii at the lower left? (without resorting to choroplethr package)

On 12/10/2015 06:09 AM, Adrian Waddell wrote:
> Hi,
> You can also use the 'maps' package for the map data and the 'scales'
> package for the color mapping.
> E.g.
> library(maps)
> library(scales)
> m <- map('state', fill=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
> s_data <- tolower(rownames(USArrests))
> s_map <- tolower(m$names)
> mapping <- lapply(s_data, function(state) {
>    which(grepl(state, s_map))
> })
> ## check if the mapping is good!
> col_pal <- col_numeric("Greens", domain=NULL, na.color = 'lightyellow')
> cols <- rep('lightyellow', length(s_data))
> Map(function(indices, col) {
>    cols[indices] <<- col
> }, mapping, col_pal(USArrests$UrbanPop))
> map(m, col=cols, fill=TRUE)
> Adrian
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 9:34 AM, Erich Neuwirth
> <erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at> wrote:
>> ggplot2 also can do this with
>> fortify
>> geom_polygon
>> Von meinem iPad gesendet
>>> Am 06.12.2015 um 21:03 schrieb Benjamin Tyner <btyner at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi
>>> I wish to draw a basic choropleth (US, by state) and am wondering if anyone has any recommendations? I've tried the following thus far:
>>> 1. choroplethr: this works, but required installation of 30+ dependencies. I would prefer something with fewer dependencies.
>>> 2. tmap: this also seems promising, but most of the examples I saw were specific to European maps. Can it be adapted for US?
>>> 3. statebins: doesn't draw true choropleths, but I liked that it doesn't have many dependencies.
>>> Regards
>>> Ben
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